Tuesday 4 October 2011

Accountability List & Color Inspriation

... but I MUST be good

I know that I don't need another project but with my recent discovery of Design Seeds I am more tempted than ever.

I must be good though, shouldn't I?  No?
Yes I really should!

Here are a couple of color pallets that I have added to my favourites today :o)

Seeing this make me want a Milk Shake immediately.

Tulips are my favourite flower so I couldn't go past this one.

Yes I really must be good .....
 at least until I get that "UFO / Accountability" List under control.
If you want to see how I am going it is now on the left hand side of my blog for all to see.
My way of making me truly accountable to myself :o)

I have picked up the next project that I plan on completing from that list.

Christmas Place mats x 8

The plan is to challenge myself on these and do raw edge machine applique - something I have NEVER done before!

Not perfect by any means but I have to learn somehow ...........

Thank you for stopping by :o)
Happy sewing,


  1. Very nice colour palettes and I'll be interested to see you raw edge appliqué as I've been wondering whether to try it :)

  2. Your list seems long but you can do it! Just try not to add to it ;) make a deal with yourself like if you finish 3 ufos then you can start 1 new project.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx