Friday 11 November 2011

"Little Apples" met "Sherbet Pips"

Don't you just hate it when a Jelly rolls ends up being a quilt top in an afternoon?
No not really, no me neither :o)

Yesterday I had my two babies home... aka Aiden my 13 year old and Miss Lily. I call them my two babies as he is my first born and she is my last!  Aiden hates being called my baby but I am not going to stop so he just has to get used to it :o)

I took both of them out for milkshakes and donuts before lunch and a little Christmas shopping. It was lots of fun with the two of them.  When we got home Miss Lily was "attached" to Aiden.  It is not very often that she gets him all to herself so this left me a little lost.  Watching them interact was priceless but I needed/wanted to/felt the urge to do something else.

I grabbed out this ......

Sliced and Diced and a little sewing to get these

and turned them into this

I had no intentions of putting on the red border but I am pleased now that I have.

It is where "Little Apples" met "Sherbet Pips"

It has ended up being 56" square.
Originally I thought it would be a picnic quilt but it is not big enough for all 6 of us so now I am thinking that it might just become an Xmas pressie for someone special.

Last night I had plans of quilting it today but because I did add those borders the batting that I have on hand is not big enough :(  Oh well maybe that is someone or something telling me that I have had a break from my Teddlywinks Quilt and I need to get back to finishing the quilting on it.

Enjoy your creativity,


  1. Yeah I really hate doing a quilt top in an afternoon too Sharon. lol. My boys are 24, 22, and 20 and I still refer to them as my babies. If it ever bothered them they were kind enough (or wise enough) not to let me know. ha ha. Love the quilt and can't wait to see it quilted.

  2. That quilt top looks great! Wow, you're fast! Can't wait to see it done. Have fun quilting the Teddlywinks Quilt. :o)

  3. How great that your 'babies' played so nicely together to get that lovely quilt top done.... I love both those ranges...

  4. love it when the kiddies are getting on,love the quilt ,gorgeous fabric Sharon,well done

  5. Aren't they lovely days when the kids are happy together and playing well! Love your quilt, you did an awesome job. Your Christmas wreath find from the previous post is lovely too.


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