Thursday 28 September 2017

Teaching the Next Generation - Awesome Ocean Quilt

If you have been around here a while it will be no surprise to you that my Lily LOVES handmade.
She likes to think that every new quit has to first go on her bed!  
Not always possible but we do try.

When we both saw Elizabeth Hartman's
"Awesome Ocean Quilt"
being offered as a Block of the Month we couldn't help ourselves but to sign up.

And because I have this "thing" for the Robert Kaufman Sparkle Linen I may have just made an alteration to the background fabric.  I will share my change with you when the first instalment arrives.

"Reef" by Elizabeth Hartman

We (because if I say 'we', referring to Lily and myself then Hubby can't really complain can he!) 
have signed up through The Next Stitch HERE incase you are interested. 

Best I get back to our Bjorn Bears Quit. I wouldn't want to give Hubby any reason to roll his eyes at me when he realises another new start is about to happen :) and it's 10am, School Holidays and the girls are still in bed, time for some sewing before they come out wanting pancakes!

Happy Stitching,

P.S. The reference to "Teaching the next generation" would be to love fabric, handmade and shopping!  If they fall in love with fabric, well lets face it they will have no money for all "those" items that are less desirable and as parents we try so hard to steer our children away from :)

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