Thursday 15 January 2015

My Mini Design Boards

Mini Design Boards

Lori Holt over at Bee in My Bonnet has a fantastic tutorial for some Mini Design Boards.
They are great for preparing many blocks at a time as they can stack on top of each other and they allow you to get your block pieces from your cutting table to your sewing machine and then to your ironing board without ever getting the pieces all mucked up!

I found the foam core board that Lori uses in my local Lincraft Store.

I raided my Bonnie and Camille scraps for JR Strips and randomly pieced in colour groupings.
I now have 8 boards ready to use. I chose to make mine 12.5" square but you can make them any size you want. Wonder if I should make some more?

If you are interested in making some of your own the tutorial can be found HERE.

Also arriving this week was this book.

I'm plotting and planning again :o)

hugs Sharon


  1. those are great.... I have one larger one but I like the idea of littlies for blocks...

  2. Fantastic idea Sharon, MMmmm that new book looks good I can see a new start starting for you real soon :) Barb.

  3. I made boards 10" and they are just fabuous to use! I also made 4 big ones, about 16x24, for bigger blocks, and I find them very useful as well!

  4. I first saw these when Lori posted it on her blog and thought they would be very handy. Just one of those things to get around and make! You make is sounds as though they were realtively easy.


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