Friday 1 March 2013

Friday Night with Friends

Come Sew with Friends
Are you sewing along tonight?
Sign up is HERE
I will be there :o)
Did you want to come and share your progress on Instagram
with me as we sew?
I am going to use the hash tag of #FNWF
If you have a "smart phone," Ipad or Ipod.
Go to the app store and look for
Instagram - it's a free App and super easy to use.
You can find me by searching -  lilabellelane
Leave me your Instagram ID in a comment and I will come and follow
you and we can add an "extra" and "instant" dimension
to this fun night sewing with friends.
See you there.
Hugs, Sharon


  1. see you tonight Shaz.xx

  2. What a great idea... sharing FNWF in another dimension... :)

  3. I don't have an iphone, but will be sewing along with everyone in about an hour! Happy sewing!

  4. Happy sewing tonight. I'll see you there.

  5. Have a fun sewing night! Don't get too distracted with instagram though.

  6. All done and now following you.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx