Tuesday 24 July 2012

Tonight's stitching

It is slow going but this is my progress on the project that I started saturday at Urban Stitches.

Also taking the opportunity to play on my IPad as the kids have just put it down.
Hmmmm . . . . Now I know why, it's almost flat!

Off to the charger it goes and back to stitching it is for me.

Have a great evening,
Hugs Sharon


  1. Gosh it's a gorgeous pattern. The only problem with the iPad (apart from the kids) is that it takes up a lot of sewing time!

  2. you too Sharon,boy you have nearly finished it.xx

  3. Lovely work Sharon.
    You do make me laugh,when my grandchildren come here,I hide my IPad ,I'm a grumpy granny,haha.

  4. Your progress is good considering you got it on Saturday...this is such a cute pattern!

  5. I hide my iPad from my 6 year old! Grrrr to Angry Birds

    LOVE your stitching


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx