Thursday, 9 February 2012

Farmer's Wife Quilt - Back to into it!

The Farmer's Wife Quilt-a-long had a break over December and January and it starting back up this week.  Amanda and Angela  have suggested that we post pictures of our blocks so far as we get back into it. So here are mine so far for a refresher :)

and here is the "mock-up" of a few blocks with the fabrics that I auditioned for the sashing and border.  The fabrics are slowly getting it way here from the US so hopefully they arrive soon.

So far I have made 57 of these 6" blocks, so  only 54 more to go.

My plan it to try and get two more cut out today and not slice the end off my finger again :(

It is not to late to join in so if you are interested pop on over here for more details.

Have a lovely day, Sharon


  1. love the colours you have used in your blocks Sharon and they all look fantastic.xx

  2. They all look wonderful ,I've had this book for ages,and not found the courage to start any blocks

  3. You are over halfway. That is a lot of blocks for a quilt. I like the colors you are using for the blocks. Not too busy but yet variety.

  4. These are really pretty! I love the colors. They look very similar to my Underground Railroad quilt.

  5. Your blocks are beautiful, love the colors! I cannot imagine how many hours you have in so many small blocks. Quite an accomplishment to be over halfway! Good luck, you are a master piecer!

  6. It is lovely.... the colours looks so good.... looks like it will make quite a big quilt? you are half way...

  7. Your blocks are beautiful. well done.

  8. Lookin' g-o-o-d so far! It will be quite a quilt when it's done! :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx