Sunday 30 October 2011

SKoW - Started

I was super excited on Friday when my postie finally handed me the parcel I have been waiting for.

My bundle of "Strawberry Fields" - so much prettier in person. So I finally get to start

So I grabbed out my box, got organised

and then let my weekend become consumed by this project ...... and I am loving every moment.

This is my first attempt at Needle Turn Applique but I think I have found a method that is working for me.

Here is the first block

No cherries on the Cup Cakes yet, maybe when I get a little more confident at the smaller appliques pieces they will be added.

Block 2

and Block 3

All three

and then on my design wall so I can see how they will look when in the quilt :o)

Thank you for stopping by and enjoy what's left of your weekend.

Don't forget my 100 post giveaway ....... ENTER HERE ....... drawn later tonight



  1. Sharon, those blocks are soooo cute! LOVE them! I have only tried needle turn once, it was kind of difficult for me..looks like you are doing a great job of it! Can't wait to see this quilt..going to be yummy!

  2. Woowhooo!!! Congratulations Sharon ... you have done an absolutely fantastic job ... especially if this is your first attempt at NTA!!! I am loving this fabric range in this quilt - it will look even more fantastic when finished!!

    ... Tip for getting really sharp circles (from Sarah Fielke on the dvd from Quilter's Companion): Take some ordinary, kitchen-use al-foil (you know, the shiny metalic kitchen aid) ... place your fabric, face-down ontop of a square of al-foil, with the stiff circle template on top, lining it up in the centre ... then pull up the fabric and al-foil around the template, smoothing out the edges before ironing it (note: be careful ... it WILL be hot!) ... let this cool (make sure that you prepare all your required circles first, then do your ironing, so you're not waiting around too long!) before opening them up to find your beautifully shaped circles with tight, smooth curves ... All you have to do then is position and sew ... also, she suggested sewing tight (read - small) circles one-stitch-at-a-time to ensure smooth sewing ... Hope this helps!

    Looking forward to your continued progress!! Hugz!

  3. Sharon those blocks look fantastic ,well done,i have that book also and there are some great projects in there,enjoy

  4. Oh Wow, and wow again!!!!....I am sooo in love with your finished blocks....the fabrics are so fresh and lovely, and your needle turn looks amazing, and it's new to you!!! must be a natural....I need to get myself organised as you have with your little storage tubs.....thanks for the great inspiration......

  5. You are amazing Sharon, you are getting such a lot done and these new blocks are so beautiful. Gorgeous fabrics and gorgeous stitching.

  6. The blocks and the fabrics are just...delicious!

  7. your blocks..........well done on the needleturn.........


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx