Saturday 9 July 2011

Cake anyone? ..............

Or would you prefer Eggs on Toast?

My Miss L loves spending time in her own kitchen.  When she goes quiet I know that I will find her here

This got me to thinking about play food and after looking around I decided that I didn't like the plastic foods available so I went in search of other alternatives and I found "Felt Cuisine".  And WOW!!!!

Look at what I have managed to make so far for my Miss L.

Strawberry Mousse Cake

Carrot Cake

Chocolate Love Cake

Strawberry Charlotte Cake

The cakes are a little time consuming but you don't have to make a whole cake like I have!
All you need is foam, felt, needle and thread and look what you end up with :o)

Below, the donuts, eggs and bread have all been made tonight, so no where near as
time consuming as the cakes.

2 Donuts

4 Slices of bread and 4 Fried Eggs

There are patterns for Hamburgers, Sandwiches, Pizzas, Garlic Bread, Hot Dogs Roast Meals with Vegies, Sushi, Cannoli, Pastas and fruit!  Oh and don't forget the Ginger Bread House.

If you have little ones in your house I recommend taking a look at these. The look on my Miss L's face
was just priceless and I am looking forward to making more for her in the future.

If you are interested to see all these goodies Click Here and visit the Felt Cuisine Web Site

Enjoy what is left of the weekend and Happy Stitching,

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