Saturday 5 September 2015

Using the littlest of scraps

When you save your scraps you have to think of ways to use them.
So a little while ago I ordered in some 1/2" hexes thinking that I would use them for a scrappy Bonnie and Camille project.  No real direction,  just something to work on whenever.
I started making these. 

Then I saw that Sue Daley was doing a Sew Along on her blog so I thought I might sew along and maybe what I created could be used as part of my B and C Scrap project. Maybe as the centre, medallion style?

These photos above and below show the size of my hexes compared to the ones that Sue is using in her Sew along.

It's a fun sew along. Nice and slow paced that it fits in between other sewing projects and is portable.
Great for the school pick ups when your in the car waiting :)

I posted my progress on Instagram and now I have a few people joining in and making the 1/2" hexie version with me.  If your interested in taking part Sue's blog can be found HERE.

If you are in Instagram have a look at these hashtags.


Until next time,
hugs Sharon


  1. looks so cute - I always keep the scraps too. Bought a pack of tiny hexies ages ago for this exact purpose, but another 'one day' project I'm afraid. Look forward to seeing yours come along.

  2. Love Bonnie & Camille - can't wait to see your progress xxx

  3. Loving your progress. The smaller the cuter I think with hexies !
    Love your new makeover on your blog too. I love seeing your progress on your projects here and on Instagram. Therese x

  4. They look good........addictive little hexies.

  5. Beautiful Sharon you are super talented.

  6. Wonderful use for your scraps...always love a hexie!!

  7. I also love hexies and and I admire your perseverance to sew with these little things. For me, the edge length must be at least 1 inch. I'm excited to see how it goes with you. Thanks for sharing.LG maren


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx