Tuesday 19 February 2013

A Finish for Declyn

At last I can finally say that all my children have a quilt made
by me especially for them.
Please allow me to share Declyn's Quilt
"Urban Grunge"
Quilt Stats
Urban Grunge designed by
Jocelyn Ueng "It's Sew Emma"
Finished size
50.5" x 59.5"

(Woops this picture was taken before the label went on)
I do love a pieced back but I do not like getting it all ready to baste
as there is that extra pressure of getting the back straight and even.
It took Declyn (yes I have trained him so well that he is now my No. 1
helper when it comes to spray basting a quilt) and myself a little
longer than normal but we are both happy with the end result
and even placement.
If you remember this Kit was purchased from the Fat Quarter Shop and the
back has been pieced from the "scraps" left over.  Love the FQ Shop .... just saying :)

I started quilting this one last Wednesday. My little helper hadn't been feeling well
that day and had not really left my side.  Here is the proof. 
She decided she wanted to help me add the special ingredient
for any quilt ... L O V E
We quilted it with an all over meander / stipple.
I finished the label for it yesterday and put it on Dec's bed for him ;o)

Feels nice to have a finish :o)
Enjoy your day,
hugs, Sharon



  1. Fabulous finish.Looks great on the bed.
    Hope miss Lili is feeling better.I always knew you were superwoman,but quilting with a little one on your lap.....priceless.lol
    Love Laura xx

  2. It's lovely! I like the design.

  3. WOowoo!!! It's awesome. Great finish. :D

  4. I really love this quilt - it's so hard to find something masculine and this really ticks the box!

  5. That is a very nice quilt. I think the colors are a great complement to the pattern.

  6. Gorgeous quilt and perfect for a boy. Well done with the quilting, especially with that little princess on your lap - multi-tasking at it's best!
    therese xx

  7. It is wonderful and Declan must be so pleased... well done and especially quilting with your helper....

  8. good help is hard to find,well done Declyn and Miss Lil.
    Having Miss lil on your knee brought back memories for me as my grandies have all sat on my knee while i have been sewing and i taught them colours from all the cottons i had in my container.
    Declyn's quilt looks fantastic Shaz and looks awesome on his bed,well done kiddo on another beautiful finish.xx

  9. Great finish and perfect for a boy. This could be very nice in black and whites for my Collingwood supporter son.

  10. This is such a perfect quilt for a boy! I love the Curious Nature fabrics you have used for the back too.

  11. Wow , love your son's quilt. It is perfect for a boy. The back is great too. Lovely finish Sharon. Hugs.....

  12. It is a gorgeous boy quilt. Love the colours.

  13. It is awesome Sharon....perfect for a young man. I bet he's thrilled with his own quilt.

  14. Great quilt! And at least it is cooler today, so he may he need to use it tonight!

  15. Fabulous quilt. Everything you make is wonderful.

  16. Lily is SO cute!! You are so clever - that quilting is amazing!

  17. Its wonderful and perfect for a teenage boy! well done!

  18. Beautiful quilt. Beautiful pic of a little one quilting too. And I adore your profile pic!

  19. great job on the quilt love the colours and design.

  20. Gorgeous pic of you and Lily. Love the quilt and the fabrics and design are great for boys. The quilting is beautiful too. I have been thinking about my vignette hexagon quilt which is waiting for some quilting but am not sure how I would do it yet.

  21. another gorgeous finish, it looks fantastic!

  22. Neat to catch up on reading your blog Sharon. I loved seeing what you all got up to at your Millrose get-together,. LOVED your Vignette quilt - well done - looking forward to the post about it!! Declyn's quilt is neat and so is the backing!! How great that it has a little bit of love from his sister stitched into it!

  23. Holy Kamoly! LOOOOVE. I am even further behind Raweyn above me!! Just catching up myself! Do you print and then trace your embroidery over the label or do you just free hand that in empty space. AND (cuz I always ask questions) where did you get your symbols from?!?!?!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx