Saturday 1 December 2012

Christmas Presents and a new Tradition

I get to open some presents today :o)

My lovely friend Shez sent me a gift this week and the note on it said to
open Dec 1st so guess what I did this morning.

I am sure I asked Shez where she got her towels from to make these
earlier this week with the intention of making some :o)
I also got some beautiful soap and check out the
Ric Rac Pattern, I just love it. I am looking
forward to making this one up.
There is also a present under the tree for the kids but they are a little
slower than me!
Huge thank you Shez xx
Do you remember my post about a 
"Wrap up twenty-five children's books
and put them under the tree with a
special blanket quilt next to them.
Before bed each evening,
your kids choose one book to open
 and read together until Christmas."

I have "raided" our book case when Lily wasn't looking and also went
to some local thrift shops and picked up some "new to us" books
and last night when the kids were in bed I wrapped them all up.
Starting today, one (extra book a day as Lily loves books) gets
picked from the pile at random, unwrapped and read
 until Christmas Eve when a special,
 New Christmas book will be waiting.
I just love this idea.

The other gifts that I get to open today are from Julie (no blog)

Christmas Angel 2012
We agreed to both open our gifts today. 

After I have had breakfast though.

Also, one last thing.
Regular readers would know my "Bonnie and Camille" addiction
so I just have to share in case you haven't seen it yet.

"Santa, I will accept an I.O.U."
hugs, Sharon


  1. Wow, so much loveliness in this post. Shez is such a sweetie and your book idea is fabulous.

  2. you are very welcome my friend and showed my daughter the post of what you were doing with the books and she is doing the same,she thought it was a wonderful idea. Oh i hope santa brings you that wonderful lot of Bonnie and Camille fabrics,have you been a good girl? ,lol.xx

  3. Lovely book tradition. Beautiful gifts from Shez....such a little treasure.

  4. Lovely gifts from Shez. She is a very generous lady.

  5. Great idea with the books. Shez has sent lovely gifts.

  6. Great pressie from Shez... and a lovely idea with the books....

  7. Lovely gifts from Shez. I love the Bonnie and Camille fabric to, can't wait to find out when it will be released.

  8. How much are we loving the new Bonnie and Camille fabric? Oooooooh yes...I'll take an IOU too! LOL! Beautiful gifts from Shez...Christmas has come early at your house!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx