Tuesday 13 November 2012

Ready, Set ....... Go

Breeding season has finished and it is time to have some fun!
Lined up at the start line ready to go ......
Ready, Set, Go!
This might take a while as it appears as thought it's time for a chat.
and a play!
If you have no real idea what is happening here let me explain.
After posting about my two finishes yesterday I went in and started cleaning up
my sewing space and found some (well 3) half made Turtles from
Annie Downs new book "The Simple Life" and decided to finish
them off instead of cleaning.
So, yes I am on a roll. That takes me to five finishes in 2 days :o)
Can I also say a huge thank you to everyone who has kindly emailed me to let me
know that my Great Granny Square Top (above)  is over on Camille's Blog.
When I saw it I was super excited and squealed like a kid in a candy store!
(except its me on my favourite designers Blog)
Who knows what today will bring.
Have a great one,
hugs, Sharon


  1. Adorable little turtles. What a funny post.

  2. Love the turtles.....great photos! And congrats on your appearance!

  3. wow Sharon i will have to go and check it out,yipee you are famous,well done kiddo,love those turtles,i wonder what you call a group of turtles? xx

  4. Sharon congratulation on the quilt it is lovely. ohhhh i just love those turtles they are beautiful.


  5. Your turtles are very cute and your quilt is beautiful. Hugs...

  6. Oh aren't these adorable. I love them! I'm sure Miss Lily will love playing with these. Therese xx
    p.s. I've been trying to send you an email. I just got it returned again and it said it will try to re-send it!

  7. Your turtles are so cute Sharon. I saw your quilt on Camille's blog. How exciting for you.

  8. Those turtles are just gorgeous
    Clever girl

  9. Gotta gotta love those turtles!

  10. So cute! and congrats on the granny square top as well.

  11. You make me laugh Sharon.I guess you could always find something to "play with"in your room,rather than tidy it.LOL
    The turtles are lovely.
    Laura xx

  12. Looks like the turtles are cheeky, just like their maker, LOL
    Are they too posh for pins too?!

  13. Cute turtles, looks like they are having fun together!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx