Sunday, 25 November 2012

Hoop-la-la Swap

I participated in the
 Hoop-la-la Swap

over on Flickr and as my secret  partner has now received
 her Hoop I can share what I created with you.
I was very lucky to be making my hoop for the lovely Heidi over at
Heidi has a gorgeous Blog and I have been following and
chatting with her for a while now so it was a real buzz to be
making something special just for her.  If Heidi was listening
carefully she could have heard my squeal of delight the day
we got our partners emailed to us :)
With her Blog name of Buttons and Butterflies it is
pretty easy to see where my inspiration came from :)
I couldn't decide which size hoop to go with so used two.

I also included a rainbow pouch for Heidi to keep her
Hexagons in as she has recently been bitten by the hexie bug.

Also added a cute little Craft Keeper for ribbons or threads, a little
butterfly notepad and of course some chocolate for her boys to share.
This was a fun swap and I am now stalking the postie to see who
and what is being sent my way.  The excitement builds :o)
Thank you Heidi, I have enjoyed putting this package together
just for you :)
Hugs, Sharon


  1. How clever is that,love the two hoops,and of course the embroidery is beautiful.xx

  2. wow Shaz that is so pretty ,what a wonderful job you have done,i missed this swap to,lol,where do you find these,lol.xx

  3. Lovely gifts, so thoughtful and pretty.

  4. The hoop is gorgeous gorgeous! That's one for each hoop!
    Lovely lot of loot you sent. I think I hear the mailman coming to your door tomorrow too... fingers xx :)

  5. Great stitchery & love the dual hoop effect - very clever. The hexie bag is gorgeous too. Tracee xx

  6. I think my squeal was louder when I saw your name on the envelope...and then the subsequent squeals when I opened where quite obnoxious according to the boys! I love the hoop and the bag! I will now never lose my pre-cuts scraps ever again because I have an awesome pouch to carry along with me! ;D!

  7. What a gorgeous swap parcel! Your hoop is beautiful Sharon.

  8. What a clever idea, two hoops, gives an added dimension without taking away from your pretty design...
    Love the hexy pouch too, what a great way to store hexies!

  9. Beautiful gifts Sharon, the embroidery in the hoops is so pretty.

  10. The hoop you made is beautiful Sharon, lucky Heidi!

  11. Love the hoop you made Sharon :) Barb.

  12. love the hoop you made Sharon, your embroidery is so neat and the hexie pouch (love hexies)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx