Sunday 2 September 2012

New Friends - Part 2

The Show and Tell Edition
(and more)

Here is Shez with her lovely quilt that she brought along as part of our show and tell.
The attention to detail and the embellishments were just perfect for this quilt

Here is Shez again, this time showing off the wonderful swap item that she received from Barb.

Christine brought along her hand pieced masterpiece. 

She is getting ready to hand quilt it.
When finished it will be a true family heirloom.

Barb brought along some super cute table runners and
Christmas themed items. Her home must look stunning at
Christmas, I wanted to make one of everything :o)

Shez and I also gave each other some more gifts as part of the 
Santa Sack Swap.

Here are the three gifts that I got to bring home.
I admit that they might have been squeezed just a little 
but were then placed in my Santa Sack for safe keeping.

Just look how full my Santa Sack it getting.
So exciting :o)

Now, I have some exciting new to share.
We are having another Mill Rose Bloggie get together.
I have taken these details from Melody's blog for you

We all had such a great time we have decided to have another bloggy meet at the same venue.  
Please mark

Saturday November 17 at 10.00am 

in your diary and join us for a wonderful day.  This time we are having a Sit and Sew day and wonderful Michelle from Mill Rose Quilts is letting us use her delightful sewing room for free.  How fabulous is that.

We are having a small swap on the day so let me know if you would like to join in this bit of fun - you don't have to play if you don't want to - this will only be a very small part of the fun day.   
We will lunch next door at the delightful Mill Cottage restaurant again. 
Everyone is very welcome, you don't need to have a blog to come along - bloggy readers are very welcome too.

Melody is going to post more details closer to the date so keep an eye out on her blog.
We would all love to have you there to share in the fun with us.

Friends, great food and
Fabric ....... it will be packed full of fun for sure.

Would love to see you there.


  1. I'm so glad I met you and am really looking forward to our next get together, hugs

  2. A wonderful show & tell - what did you take out of your many amazing quilts to show??? I have just got the email from Cheryl to say we are swap partners in the Lets Exchange Black & White bad swap. Not daunted - NOT AT ALL - lol! Tracee xx

  3. wonderful post Sharon,love Christine's quilt i didnt get a pic cause i was helping her hold it up.
    So much more fun coming up cant wait to see you again,lucky you two having each other in the bag swap,i have one of Tracee's bags and she does an awesome job.xx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. How wonderful it must have been !!! I know nothing better than quilting meeting !
    So many great quilts !

  6. I agree that Barb's place must look amazing with all her beautiful Christmas sewing. Show and tell was a fun part of of the day. I'm looking forward to our next meet!

  7. Lovely to have the show and tell... it's always so great to see 'in real life'..... and the bloggers too!!! Great it is happening again...

  8. Thanks for sharing...such wonderful work. How lovely to catch up with some bloggie friends

  9. I'm so jealous! Of the show and tell, of Mill Rose, AND that you get to do it all again in November!

  10. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time!!

  11. Gorgeous show and tell. Love to make a wedding ring quilt one day...Christine's is just stunning. You girls did have fun.

  12. Oh I wish I could have come! Looks & sounds like you all had the best day. Isn't it lovely to meet with like minded souls!
    Lovely group photo. Your new stash looks lovely too.
    Therese xx

  13. I have heard (a little!) about this wonderful get together and wish I could have been there! Maybe next year :)

  14. Looks like a wonderful time was gad by all you lovely ladies!
    Lots of wonderful projects being shared too! :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx