Thursday 21 June 2012

Slow going ....

Soda Pop - Rainbow Slushee

My Soda Pop quilt is all basted and I am going through the motions of quilting it!
Not necessarily enjoying the quilting process on this one.
I think it has something to do with the curves :(

I will stick with it as I love the way this one looks.
I think that the backing that I have chosen in nice and bold to!
Black with white polka dots ..... Love It! :o)

Not to much else happening on the sewing front but I did manage to
get in on this one this morning

Orange / Aqua / Grey Mystery Charm Swap

Imagine the possibilities

Enjoy your evening,
I'm off to do the tea dishes and think about getting
back to a few more rows of quilting curves :o)



  1. Good on you persisting with it, even when you're feeling so-so about it, Sharon. I'm very interested to the quilting... ♥

  2. by gee Sharon you are so clever,love the colours in this one.xx

    1. Keep with it, tis gorgeous!!! Your swap looks interesting too :)

  3. I cant wait to see it all done - looks gorgeous x

  4. happy quilting.... you will have fun with that charm swap

  5. I haven't got as far as quilting myself eeekkkkk
    You are brave and it does look gorgeous

  6. I really like your soda pop - rainbow slushie quilt, but I absolutely love your boys story quilt! I was thinking about buying that book just for the one pattern but I'm not very good with embroidery so I didn't. Such a beautiful quilt, great job! Maybe one day I will be brave enough to attempt it.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx