Monday 28 May 2012

Stitch it for Christmas .. a new book

With all my Christmas sewing at the weekend 
I have found myself looking at a few new books to add to my collection this morning
and guess what I have just ordered?

I just LOVE Lynette Anderson Designs
and at just over $11 with free postage (worldwide) I didn't think I could go wrong!

If you are interested there is a link on my side bar, just here on the right.

I might have also ordered the Tilda's Christmas Ideas book also but don't be telling hubby OK
It can be our little secret!

Have a great day, hugs, Sharon


  1. Ohh exciting new books! Yay!

  2. lol,so funny,its looks great,happy xmas sewing.xx

  3. Will not say a word! Will have a look at the book, ta!

  4. Your secret is safe with us - don't we all have them!

  5. I see you like Tilda as well, I have most of her books and they are excellent.

  6. hahahaha i brought that one while ago .super excited for it to arrive ..i have every single tilda book and just got the new one day super dooper excited
    love books

  7. That looks a lovely book, I also love Lynette Anderson designs, especially her Christmas ones. Enjoy!!

  8. sssshh... say it quietly... but your secret is safe with me!
    Love the Xmas book... I'm considering it!!!! :)

  9. My lips are sealed Sharon!! Love a new book. Happy reading when they arrive.
    Therese xx

  10. I won't tell a soul! Lol! It is exciting getting new books!

  11. How funny,I have just bought this book from Amazon,waiting for it to,I won't tell yours if you don't tell mine ,lol.
    Laura xxx


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