Sunday 20 May 2012

Bottled Rainbow

My Bottled Rainbow - Scrap busting Quilt for 2012

I decided last year that I would make at least one scrap busting quilt a year. 
 Last year it was my Rainbow Postage Stamp Quilt 
and this year it is my version of the Bottled Rainbow Quilt.  

My aim is to make one block a week and because I can't think of 
anything witty to call my posts or a day that rhymes with "Bottled Rainbow" 
I have just decided to try and post about the a block at the end of the week 
so just making it for this week and only being finished late this afternoon
is my first block :)

Ruby Block

If you want to come a sew this one with me, please do.
We can help keep each other going :o)

Bottled Rainbows {the button}

All the info that you need is over on Stitched in Color

This is a great quilt to make with your scraps of fabric and your batting scraps.
So no wastage :o)

This will also be my first attempt at "ticker tape" and Quilt as you go.

Enjoy what is left of your weekend.
I am about to sit down with a Milo and enjoy a 
quiet night in front of the TV.

Hugs, Sharon


  1. It looks great Sharon. You've started with the best colour. Enjoy your evening.

  2. lovely block Sharon,enjoy your night.xx

  3. gorgeous ! love the idea!

  4. Sharon have you seen this

  5. I love the bottled rainbow quilt! Your first block is fantastic!

  6. Good luck! I just finishe a Ticker Tape quilt myself and it is a lot of fun but can get old with all the sewing.

  7. I will enjoy watching this..... the ruby block looks great...

  8. I would LOVE to make it with you... but I'm over committed right now...darn it! When I get my head above the water line I'll play with you on another project! :)

  9. It's gorgeous - would love to make one too... Maybe i'll give myself a kick up the backside sometime and start doing something about it... sometime... :) Looking forward seeing the next ones!

  10. Your ruby block is gorgeous, I look forward to seeing your progress with this quilt, hugs Wendy


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx