Thursday 16 February 2012

Sharing a UFO

Whilst my Sewing Machine was in getting her service I dug out my two UFO's

The first one has now been completed and can be seen here and this is the second one

It is all pieced, it just needs the remainder of the faces to be painted on and the applique to be finished and there is a lot of applique.

hmmm.... I am just not feeling the love for this project at the moment but hopefully by sharing it with you I might get back into it.   I did spend an hour or so with it one night last week but it is now hanging in the cupboard but I figure that is better than hiding on the back of a shelf.
Maybe seeing it every day will help me get the motivation to get it done.

Here are a couple of other closeups

The centre block is finished

Faces need to be painted

This is the only corner that is completed

and this one is half done.

It is such a big thing, maybe when the weather cools I might be more inclined to devote some time to it.

Enjoy your day, hugs, Sharon


  1. Oh it looks great .... I love it!!!

  2. it is such a cute quilt... so much work..... it would be great finished..... ?????

  3. its so cute Sharon,good luck with it.xx

  4. Hi Sharon

    It is a cute quilt. Do you still like it? or has it been hanging around for too long and your tastes have changed? Do you want to keep it when it is finished? If you don't want it, maybe you could motivate yourself by offering it for sale or asking a group of friends to join you in UFO finishing. Sometimes the motivation of others 'cheering' you on is all we need. I know you have your virtual friends thanks to blogger, but maybe some 'flesh' friends would provide some assistance in finding your UFO Mojo.

  5. It really is a beautiful quilt with so much work. It will be gorgeous finished, but I know that feeling when your inspiration for the project seems to disappear. Keep it in view for a few days and you may come to a decision of what to do - work on it now, wait a while, maybe sell it. You will work it out.

  6. Cute quilt, you are doing so well with you WIPs, I love you block in the previous post too.

  7. I love it!! So cute. I hope you find your love for it again. :o) xo

  8. Your quilt is gorgeous Sharon. I hope 'the love' comes back soon.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx