Saturday 11 February 2012

Digging out the Kits

Confessing my Kits

OK, a couple of posts ago I asked, How many kits do you have?

It seems that it really ranges from only a couple right through to the "I'm not even going there" or "To many to count" replies.

Here are mine. Now bear in mind I have only been quilting for such a short time so have not had a lot of time to built a collection up but either way I don't think I'm doing too bad ... or good .... depending on how you look at it :o)

First one up is Girls Day Out, then Down the Garden Path (another Gollie Quilt, I will try to share my other Gollie Quilt with you soon as it's my only UFO at the moment) and then I have The Adelaide Collection Sampler Quilt
Next is my Bottled Rainbows Quilt (These are just the solids - the rest is sorted and ready to go), then Home Sweet Home kit from the Fat Quarter Shop (a recent purchase at a great 50% off) and then Hopscotch made in Bliss :o)

This one will be for my Mum, she knows nothing about it yet :)
This book, "3 Times the Charm" is full of patterns that only need one charm pack and a little yardage so for mums quilt I am doubling the size!

I have been wanting to play with Blueberry Crumb for a while so I am looking forward to getting into this one and being my Mum thinks the Internet IS Ebay (I know, I have tried to explain it to her but she just doesn't get it) I have no fear of her seeing it here on my blog! lol
and ..... look what I have :o)
yippie skippie!!!!!
I am like a pig in mud having my very own Vintage Modern Laye Cake.
If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that I love Bonnie and Camille's fabric lines and I was so lucky to get my hands on this one on Friday morning.
By Friday afternoon I found a pattern and a beautiful Blue solid to go with it so maybe this will be the next one my to do list :)
Looking forward to adding more kits to my collection ... just don't tell the family!

happy stitching, Sharon


  1. thats not to bad Sharon you will get them all made.xx

  2. Love 'em all too. It's FUN having projects to look forward to I think! Never mind WHEN they get finished... just as long as one day they do! :)

  3. What's the name of that MBS pattern behind the Vintage Modern Layer Cake? I love it! And to confess, I just bought a kit yesterday...didn't need it's that Gallery Fiori fabric.....yum.

  4. I like Down the Garden Path. An interesting and different design.

  5. Lots of goodness there! I love Bonnie and Camilles fabrics too. Have a kit in each of their previous ranges and actually made the first one up - Cotton Blossoms :+)

  6. Actually with the speed at which you tackled Vignette, I would have thought you would have to run out and buy something every time you want to stitch... you are so speedy! I love Bonnie and Camille Fabric too but I think I would curl up in a corner if someone told me I would have to attempt a gollie quilt, let alone two!
    Thanks for sharing :D

  7. Confession is good for the soul.
    what lovely kits waiting their turn!
    Buying a bargain makes them even more wonderful.

  8. Some lovely kits you have there. They are very addictive once you start looking AND buying!
    LOL for some reason the family thinks you should have one quilt kit and finish that before buying the next one....doesn't seem to work here!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx