Wednesday 9 November 2011

A finish / Swap / and a little more

Another Xmas finish

I finished off the above stitcheries by backing them in some Xmas fabric, adding a little ribbon and an Xmas bell then decided on a place for them to hang over the festive season.

and whilst I'm mentioning Xmas. 
 Glenn has been away for the last couple of days with work so what's a girl to do with 4 kids whilst he isn't here ......

let them get out one of the Xmas trees of course!
It is now a WIP as they (the kids) want purple and gold so this weekend we will be shopping for a few more decorations to complete their vision.

I have also been tyring to finish quilting a top that is on my "Accountability List"

This is the top.

I have started quilting it and was hoping that in the ditch would be all that was required but again I am finding that it is a little puffy so I am trying to venture outside my comfort zone and add more quilting to it.

I will keep you posted on how I go but what I can say at the moment is that it is a HUGE learning curve.

Is anyone else interested in the Rainbow Charm Square Swap?

Original Post is HERE if you are and / or want more information.

Feel free to spread the word on your Blog (and use the below image if you like) as I need some more interest before I can proceed any further.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. I blogged about the charm swap, it would be a pity if you didn't get enough people.

    The quilt top looks lovely, can't wait to see it quilted!

  2. Lovely little heart decorations... and I just love the little heart doing the tree!! I will mention the charm swap in my next post.... I think it will be fun


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx