Monday 29 August 2011


Once Upon a Time ....

It felt like my Family all went to bed early last night as I found myself up alone, in front of the fire finishing off Block 5 of my Once Upon a Time BOM, Thumbelina. 

Miss L loves the "Birdie flying" on this block. 

It's almost the end of the month so I am looking forward to getting the next block later this week.  The look on Miss L's face when I show her every block and her saying "my quilt" with her beautiful smile and big blue eyes is what is keeping me "up to date" on this project.

Enjoy the start to your week. The sun is out again here today, not your typical winter weather that's for sure, and I am looking forward to getting outside with Miss L.

Happy Stitching,

1 comment :

  1. You are making amazing progress with all your quilts, this block is very cute. I love the Scandinavian Christmas!


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