Thursday 4 August 2011

Progress on my Vignette Inspried Hexagon Quilt and a Question....

I have spent a few late nights recently working on this, finishing off the hand embroidered flowers and hand stitching the top to the white background and when it was done I wasn't happy. It lacked something and I didn't know what the "something" was so I put it away again. 

Yesterday I was cleaning and organising  "my space" (sorting my scrap fabric pile from a basket into individual containers ..... more on that soon) and found some more fabric from this line (Sunkissed) that I forgot I had and with that came the "something" I was looking for ..........  What do you think?

The "Something" is the border, I added it last night :o)
It needed a frame and now I LOVE IT!

Yes, every flower is a different color

My quilt is not as big as the one in the Magazine, mine measures 55" (140cm) square and the hexagon's are larger.

I am planning on Hand Quilting this one and at this stage I will be quilting around every flower. I am not sure if it will all be on the one color or if I will mix that up a little.

Now I need some HELP ...........

What color would YOU do the binding in?

My "Arty" son thinks the Green and my DH thinks the Orange. Your suggestions would be appreciated.

Looking forward to some feedback on this.

Happy stitching,


  1. Just to add more controversy... What about using the pink color? I like the orange option to, and if you want a 'strong' outline use the green. I am sure this is 'very helpful' advice, LOL!

  2. Sharon, the quilt is really lovely. I have to agree with Kimberlee that I like the dark pink color. The orange and green are very strong colors and might draw your eye away from the center. The hand embroidered flowers are darling. Nice work!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx