Friday 12 August 2011

Do you ever doubt your abilities?

Ohh Help Me!!!!!  What a week of ups and downs in my creative space.

Earlier in the week I had my Hexagon quilt all "sandwiched" together ready to go for some hand quilting.  I was so pleased that I was within reach for a finish .... not just a top Finnish but a complete finish and what made even more exciting was that I had promised myself that I could have a real play with my new toy, my Go Baby if I got a real finish.

Well my hexagon quilt went from this

then to having 8 hexagons hand quilted (sorry didn't get a pic of this bit) which involved working on it every spare minute I had, then things started to fall apart....literally.

I had used a basting spray and then pinned the quilt and to my disgust the basting spray wasn't sticking so I tried to do some border quilting to help hold the fabric.  I thought this was working until yesterday morning when I sat and assessed the situation.   Lets let some photos show you what happened next ..........

I thought I could just unpick some bits to fix and go from there.........

Nope ...... In my utter disgust at the state of my quilt, I unpicked it ALL and am going to have to start again.

It is now hanging on the side of my storage unit waiting my attention :(

One positive thing for my poor quilt top is that I have decided to Bind it in the same fabric as the border!

I kept telling myself  "If you can't quilt a quilt why bother making them?"
I needed a boost to try to stop doubting myself so what was I to do .....
Grab out my Go Baby of course!  I know I don't have a finish but I needed to do something,
something smaller to practice on maybe?

I know...I chose Apple Core, probably not the smartest decision when one wants to boost their confidence!
Not all was lost though :o)

The fabric was cut in record speed (that's a positive)  They were sewing together perfectly ( double bonus for me as I was also sewing curves)  I was beginning to feel better about myself and my abilities (although somewhat limited!!!! lol )   I am feeling so much better now.  It's now is a little bigger, has a border, I have machine quilted it (not going down the hand quilting again just yet) and I am going to go sew on the binding when Miss L is down for her afternoon nap and post a pic later :o)

Look what Postie has delivered today ........

To lift my spirits a little more, look what my postie has delivered ........

"Christmas Treasures Wreath" and "Stitching Fairies" both by Rosalie Quinlan

(These are on sale for only $26 so I've added a link ....check them out)

I also got my last block for my Scandinavian Christmas.
These have been flowing in fast as I've been getting one per
fortnight instead of monthly so now I need to finish it off as I
still have block 4 and now 5 to do :o)

Happy stitching,

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