Thursday, 30 June 2011

Simple Things Quilt Along

Progress at last ......

Fabrics all gathered ... a little late, but better late than never!

Step 4 is about to go up soon so I had a bit of catching up to do.  First all the cutting

I must admit, with the pieces being so small I thought that I had chosen the wrong quilt to make :(
but I stuck with it and I am glade that I did :)

I love the way they are coming together and they are so cute at only 4 1/2"

Then a little more sewing last night, the family was all in bed so it was just me up,
sewing and watching the tennis.

And now I have this .............

I am looking forward to the next step :)
It's still not too late to joint so jump on over to the Quilt Along
and join in or just take a look at how the other girls are doing.

Happy stitching,


  1. Wow...your blocks look fabulous and I am glad you perseveered too :) Gorgeous fabrics :)

  2. in reply to a questions on the SAL blog.........Kate got the fabric from Lynette Anderson. It is her new range and not available in Australia yet but Lynette has some to sell. Contact her direct.

  3. Wow, you are catching up in a hurry. Good job.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx