Thursday 31 January 2013

OPAM January

I am joining in with OPAM
again this year.
Here are my January Finishes.
1. Bottled Rainbow Quilt
2. Mini Bottled Rainbow Quilt
3. Stitch-along "Shoe Bag"
4. "Initial Heart Swap" Gift
5. New Pincushion (in a frame)
6,7,8 & 9 Scrap Boxes
Keegan went back to school yesterday.
Lily has her Kinder Interview today and the boys
have their "ready to learn" interviews this afternoon
before starting back tomorrow :)
Routine is so close, I can smell it :)
hugs, Sharon


  1. Great finishes Sharon.
    I love the scraps boxes.xx

  2. Lots of beautiful finishes Sharon :-)

  3. lol,you will be lost when Lil goes to kinder,the quiet will be so strange,Madie started high school today and Adie started school,they are all growing up to fast,lol.xx

  4. oops forgot to say wonderful finishes for the month Shaz,have a good day my friend.xx

  5. You have been a busy girl with all your lovely projects. Mine are all back today and the house is soooooo peaceful.

  6. I like your pincushion in a frame, great idea! Hard to believe we've through one month of 2013 already.

  7. You've been very productive this month Sharon. Just imagine how much you'll achieve once Lily starts kindy! I'm curious - how many hours and days do children go to kindy in Australia?

  8. Lucky you - I'm the only one at school in my house...wish some days I could be a S.A.H. mum with the kids at school, imagine how much stuff I would get done...enjoy your routine and 'normal'.

  9. lovely finishes... back to school time can be hectic..

  10. Great work!! My Lily had her kindy interview yesterday too!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx