Tuesday 9 October 2012

Proud Mummy Moments

Felt Pig

Miss Lily is busy sewing her felt pig.
Santa might need to leave a few of these this year.

Lily is looking forward to getting it finished before Daddy gets home from work.

Hugs Sharon and Lily


  1. how cute Sharon and doesnt that last pic make your heart swell,well done miss Lil.xx

  2. Miss Lily, i can not wait to see Miss Piggy finished i bet you are having so much fun making it.
    Big Hugs

  3. What a beautiful smile Miss Lily. I am sure Daddy will be very proud of the pink pig you stitched..

  4. Oh Sharon, how adorable is Lily! Can't wait to see the finished pig.

  5. Lovely pictures, looks like she was deep in concentration! Well done Miss Lily


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