Wednesday 9 May 2012

"I will Destroy"

A Boy Story Quilt
Block 6

Are you tired of seeing the progress on this one yet?
I now have a new understanding of why I work on a few,
OK, well more than a few projects at any one time!

My free time during the day is spent piecing the blocks and picking the fabrics and working on getting the appliqué blocks ready and selecting threads to match and at night I sit and stitch and stitch :)

I am still enjoying working on this bit I so want to work on other stuff to.
Soon, well that's what I keep telling myself.

With every new block on this Quilt I have a new favourite
and this Robot is no different.

Miss Lily has a cold :(  there is grocery shopping to do (Computer problems have not allowed me to go on line and order so I have to do it the "slow and painful way"), I have to organise some fish for the next block and Dec has Physio again after school.  Think I might just start with a Coffee and put a load of washing on :O)

Have a lovely day


  1. oh Sharon i so love this quilt and i am enjoying watching it grow,enjoy your busy day,lol.xx

  2. I also love seeing this one evolve. I hope Miss Lily doesn't share her cold around and is better quickly. Is Declan responding well to the physio? I know it is a time thing re healing but I hope it is showing signs of improvement for him.

  3. Just one stitch at a time... oh and coffee... helps get a job done! The robot quilt will be wonderful!
    Washing... yep that can wait!!! :)

  4. I love this robot block too, love the cute checked body you gave him.

  5. The applique robot is cute as can be.

  6. Love the robot,I also am enjoying watching this quilt grow.It's going to be be one brilliant quilt.xx

  7. deep breaths, an extra coffee... it is just lovely... I am so excited to be doing one too....

  8. I knew it !!! You don't sleep... at all !!!!
    Your little robot is very cute !


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx