Sunday 5 February 2012

Just for a moment forget about the

UFO's and WIP's

There has been a lot of talk already this year about people finishing off their UFO's and how many WIP's that they have. 

I only have 2 UFO'S thanks to my own "Making myself Accountable Challenge" last year- one of which I am hoping to get basted today and anyone who follows my blog knows that I only have 6 WIP project boxes (I actually have 7 active projects).

and I have to confess that I am so close to purchasing another two three or so!
I have even cleaned out my sewing cabinet to make room for them :o)

But, what I want to ask you is,

How many Kits do you have waiting for your attention?

These might be complete kits that you have purchased or they might be patterns that you have purchased and then sourced your own fabrics for, and have them sitting there, somewhere safe, waiting for your attention and time. They may not even be quilting projects.

I would love to know. Please leave me a comment and let me know or blog about it and come back and tell me so I can come and see.

I will organise mine (yes I have a couple) and report back to you.

Happy stitching, Sharon


  1. Too many, I don't want to count-my quess--15 or more. I don't fret--"someday" they will get done, or given away to someone who will finish them

  2. I agree with the above blogger. I know that they are there, I don't want to count them the thought would just make me cringe. One day I'll get around to them....

  3. Oh Sharon i am too scared to go have a look,lol,i am with the above bloggers on this.xx

  4. None, because I'm so impatient and usually start the project which is why I had almost 20 WIPs / UFOs at the start of the year.

  5. 4 ,hope to get them sorted out very soon, xx

  6. I have quite a few ideas/patterns in baskets ready to start...I'm talking 10 or so... but I don't look at them and think UFO or WIP... I think of the joy I'll have when I start them. Usually when I start a project I finish it BEFORE I move onto another. But I do have 2 BOM's on the go.
    I just organised all my projects this very weekend.. will post about it tomorrow. Good luck with yours! :)

  7. oh no... haha... another list for me.... I think mostly I am working on mine.. and they are UFO's... but I do know there are some waiting for attention...

  8. Oh dear!!...I would need a few days to go thru my cupboards and drawers and actually take stock to answer that question...isn't that awful?...I should know how many, there are a few, but generally I am pretty good, although I do underestimate how long a project will take, and so when I'm at a fair I'll buy too much!!!...common problem for others too I thnk...I just loove fabric, and I love sewing, hand and machine......all will be complete one day soon...

  9. hmmm - oh dear - I must have twenty or thirty cross stitch kits unstarted.... they're still there - I know where to find them. And I have maybe 10 quilty projects where I have the fabrics and project all ready to go but haven't yet started. And then there's all my WIPs. On the plus side, I don't have many UFOs and most of these are cross stitch, which I've rather abandoned since discovering quilting - go on - please buy some more WIP boxes and make me feel better :)

  10. I have too many to I'm not going to..would love to know where you are getting the project boxes from!

  11. Love your organisation...not sure how many kits...only a couple, but a big stash!

  12. I have way to many projects on the go.........wouldn't be able to afford to buy enough

  13. My project check-in was between Christmas and New Years. Here is the inventory:

    Your stack is not only smaller than mine, it is also much neater.

  14. Oh la la !!! I can't count them !!! I used to say that I keep them for the future...when I'll be retire and have no more money to buy so many kits !!! :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx