Saturday, 24 September 2011

Dead Simple Quilt A Long

Pallet Fabrics Chosen

Huge thanks go out to Peg and Becca from Sew Fresh Fabrics.

I emailed them the color pallet that my son chose for his quilt and look what they have put together for him,

and Best of all ....... HE LOVES IT!

(well he is not sold on the dark blue with the starfish type print but I got the girls to leave it in, it might be an addition to my stash ..... he he he)

There was no way I was going to get this child (a teenager) into a Quilt shop.
They have made my day. Now I just need to patiently wait for its arrival from the US :o)

Thank you girls.


1 comment :

  1. I love all the fabrics for a boy quilt, but I can see where a teenage boy may not be a fan of the blue starfish type print. lol. I agree it would make a nice addition to your fabrich stash.


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