
Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Scrumptios Zipper Pouch

 This is the first time that I've played with Clear Vinyl and I think I like it :o)

Mind you I did have a little trouble getting my head around the assembly of this one as
it's not quite as easy as a normal zipper pouch but I fluffed around 
(the instructions made no sense to me) and this is what I have ended up with.

It finished about 14" x 10" so a great size.

Keeping with the B and C theme of today.
Look what arrived yesterday.

I could have almost hugged my postman. 
Poor guy, I get a little excited when he knocks at my door!
The Ruby pre-releases were just coming out as I discovered my love for
quilting and at the time I had no idea that fabric was only available for a short time.
I know better now :o)

Oh how I love my new "Ruby Fat Quarter Bundle"
(a great find in the US "#thegreatdestash" on Instagram)

Look, she slots in there like she has always belonged.

Welcome to my "Happy Spot".

Until next time, hugs Sharon


  1. Lovely new pouch, such a clever idea to have a see-through front. xx

  2. Thats a great pouch Sharon, I know how you feel about B and C fabrics because i feel the exact same way.

  3. So jealous of your beautiful fat quarter bundles!

  4. I bought some clear vinyl 6 months ago for just such a project and haven't given it a go yet. Yours turned out looking great

  5. The pouch looks good.Who needs instructions!

  6. Love the pouch idea but vinyl and zips freak me out a bit. LOL you crack me up with your description of greeting the postie and how the fabric looks like it has always belonged there on the shelf. It sure makes you happy so isn't that what's important? Hehehe.

  7. Great idea with the pouch and lovely in your fabrics. Lovely way to store projects.

  8. How are you EVER going to cut into that stash?

  9. What a wonderful happy spot! I love your pouch. Where did you get your vinyl? I am looking for some iron on vinyl to make some little pouches with lolly wrappers (empty Skittles packets!). I might have to do a Spotlight trip...

  10. Oh my I LOVE your stash ! Just popping in quickly to say hi and hope you are in good health xx

  11. Love the pouch. My word you have an impressive collection.

  12. The pouch is great. I so want as big a B & C stash as yours. Hugs......

  13. Very nice buys SHaz.xx

  14. WOW... what an enjoyable and colourful post! Love your HaPPy SpoT ! :)

  15. Lovely,with colours to die for.I really want to no need to come and play in your fabric.I am on a self imposed fabric diet,trying very very hard to resist the spending.xx

  16. Love the pouch and of course the fabric.

  17. Your pouch looks great. I haven't used plastic before either but I do have a pouch that someone made and it's great for holding a project in it.

  18. All your fabrics look beautiful. I love your pouch. The diagonal print is perfect and the squares make a great frame.

  19. Such a pretty pretty sight. Would make my heart melt looking at that everyday. Like the pouch too


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