
Monday, 3 February 2014

In Friendship

Back towards the end of last year I was running a few quilt ideas past Claire
when we decided to run with the idea of a 
"Friendship Quilt"

Blocks were picked, which so far are all by the talented Camille over at Thimble Blossoms.
No surprise there if you know Claire and myself :o)

So the idea was that each of us pick our fabrics and then each month we pick a block from the list and make two identical ones. One to keep and one to post to the other.

Here was my fabric pull to start me off.

Yes even my precious Bliss and Ruby Stash is fair game for this project. 

For January I made Swoon in Bliss

and then Flower Girl for February in Vintage Modern

Now you will have to excuse the Ipad Screen Shots from Instagram here.
These are Claire's blocks.  January is Swoon and February is Sweet Life.


Did you notice Claire's choice of fabric?
Yep I think we are both a bit smitten over the Bonnie and Camille ranges :o)
It will be interesting at the end of the year to see what we do when we assemble our quilts as we
will have identical blocks but maybe totally different ideas on layout?

My current thinking is a fully reversible quilt.
My blocks one side and Claire's on the other.
I wonder what Claire it thinking?

Thanks for popping by,
hugs Sharon


  1. This is a fabulous idea and you both will have spectacular quilts at the end of the year.

  2. Wonderful idea. Love the blocks. A stunning quilt by years end. Hugs,xx

  3. What a fabulous quilt idea. Look forward to seeing the quilt grow

  4. You amaze me with the amount of projects you do . Great idea with this quilt.

  5. Beautiful blocks. Looking forward to seeing it evolve. Gorgeous fabrics.

  6. That's a fantastic idea... looking forward to seeing yours and Claires at years end. :)

  7. what a wonderful idea,you two are so clever,i am loving these blocks.xx

  8. Sounds like a fun swap with Claire, Sharon. Already the blocks are lovely!

  9. This sounds like a lot of fun! Can't wait to see how it all turns out.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  10. Nothing like sharing a fabric passion with a friend. Lovely blocks. Reversible is a great idea.

  11. Claire is not thinking...maybe 2 smaller quilts? Who knows I just know that this is fun and couldn't think of a better friend to do this with. Luv ya xxx

  12. The blocks look great. Bonnie & Camille are my favourite fabrics and I do love Camille's quilts.

  13. sounds fabulous and look forward to seeing it progress

  14. Gorgeous blocks, such a lovely idea for a quilt! xx

  15. Great idea for your swap. The blocks are looking great.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx