
Thursday, 6 February 2014

Revisiting ......

Scandinavian Rose

So far I have only finished the first two blocks so a few days ago I dug it all out
to try and work out what I'm doing with this project.

I added the next two blocks to help me decided if I should just settle on a 
smaller wall hanging or commit to the full quilt and after a few positive and encouraging
comments on IG I have decided to give it another go.  I have now completed Block 3 and
started Block 4.

Lucy Boston - Patchwork of the Crosses

I have taken a little break from my Lucy Boston thanks to the blunt end of the needle going through
the end of my finger a few to many times .... ouch. I have competed one more block which takes me to 10 Blocks.

  The fabrics that I purchased during the destash on IG recently
have arrived and I am looking forward to playing with them.

In other news, these guys are going off on a little adventure for a few months.
Hope they behave themselves :)

and these arrived in my mail box yesterday.  Issue 2 should only be a day or two away.
I think that this might actually be my first magazine subscription. A nice, refreshing and modern magazine.
If you are interested they can be seen HERE.

Have an amazing day,
hugs Sharon


  1. beautiful work Shaz and happy reading,i hope you have a awesome day.xx

  2. Wow Sharon, that Scandinavian rose is amazing.

    Your little friends look excited for their adventure. I am sure they will enjoy themselves. (I hope they send you a postcard.)

  3. It's a great magazine, isn't it! Waiting for my next issue - hoping to pick it up tomorrow! Also not sure if you've heard about another new magazine by the same publishers called Hoop La all about embroidery - the first issue is due out in the next couple of days....

  4. Interesting about the mag. Does it get sent or do you pick up from the newsagent? I really love the Scandinavian rose. Keep it up.

  5. I love the Scandinavian Rose embroideries and think you will be pleased continuing with them. Love those wee folk, clever you! Ofcourse, Patchwork of the Crosses is my fav even though I haven't yet started it and I do so love those repro fabrics . Right up my alley. Lots of beautiful work.

  6. Good decision to continue Scandinavian Rose - it's looking wonderful, and so are the Lucy Boston blocks.

  7. Your Scandinavian blocks quilt is going to be gorgeous...I hope you keep going... pretty blocks....

  8. Your quilt is looking gorgeous Sharon. I hope that bunch of cuties all behave themselves where ever they are going!

  9. Your work is beautiful Sharon...hope the finger is recovering ok!

  10. Great idea with the stitcheries. It really gives you a good idea as to how the quilt will look.
    I still think those crosses are wonderful.
    Love all those softies. A great collection.
    Enjoy reading your mag while you kick back and relax.

  11. Your Scandinavian Rose is looking gorgeous - I love the in-between fabrics you've chosen! You should definitely keep going and aim to complete the whole quilt :) Good luck!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Don't know how I deleted the comment.. Oh well. I said it was beautiful! Also wanted to ask you what pen you use to trace your stitching. I know this one comes with the design printed but wondered what you usually use. I'm in the market for another method.



Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx