
Saturday, 21 December 2013

CGT Holder

Cottage Garden Thread Holder

I have made a few of these now so for this one I decided to
 change out the front panel with a different stitched design.

I also left out all the pellon/wadding etc and replaced it with two
Template Plastic inserts, one in the front and one in the back. Makes it nice a stiff and
supports the weight of the threads.

This on is a Birthday Present for someone special. 

Hope you are enjoying your day doing something you love.
hugs Sharon


  1. this is gorgeous Shaz,lucky birthday girl.xx

  2. Wishing it was my birthday coming up đŸ˜‰ this is gorgeous!! And swapping out the pellon for template plastic must make quite a difference!!

  3. thats a great idea with the template plastic to make it firm.... very pretty...

  4. Your stitchery is so pretty in that thread. It's gorgeous Sharon.

  5. Very pretty and very beautiful stitching.

  6. What a fantastic idea using the template plastic and a special place for all the lovely Cottage Garden threads. Threads like those deserve a special place to live.. Love it.

  7. Love what you have done with the holder, looks great !!!

  8. Your thread holder is gorgeous and I like the sound of the adaptations you have made for this. The recipient will be delighted. Oneof these is on my list to make one day....!

  9. Its very pretty Sharon. I just bought the pattern as I want to make one for my friend. Her birthday is in April and I'm hoping to make and finish it in time. lol. No seriously.....I hope I get it done.

  10. It's beautiful Sharon, a gorgeous gift! Wishing you a wonderful Chritsmas, hugs Wendy


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx