
Monday, 23 December 2013

Sewing Review

I have had a little play with a new App on my Ipad this morning.

Here is my 
"Sewing in Review for 2013"

(fingers crossed the link works as I've never out a video in a blog post before)

There is only so much one can fit into 15 seconds!
Two more sleeps.  I have one very excited 4 year old :o)

hugs Sharon


  1. Well done , a fantastic display of all your finishes for the year..

  2. oh.. what fun ... and you have made such gorgeous goodies..... and now you can add video maker to your list of skills!

  3. Wow, that is a lot of fabulous sewing and gorgeous projects! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  4. wow love this Shaz,merry xmas my friend to you and your lovely hubby and your 4 gorgeous kiddies,looking forward to all the fun we will have next year.xx

  5. The link didn't come up for me, I'll try again later. I don't believe that you could fit your sewing year into 15 seconds!

  6. Woohooo! That is awesome! How did you do it? I just got a Samsung Tablet and am still learning how to use it.

  7. Wow That's a lot of finishes for the year Well done
    Great video

  8. You've done an impressive amount of sewing this year - and this video shows it well!! Wishing you a fabulous Christmas!!! ... Looking forward to seeing what you find to make next year!! ;) Hugs xx

  9. You've done heaps Sharon! I found the video a bit frustrating though be cause it flicked through so fast. There were several things I would have like to take a closer look at, but the flashed past.

  10. How clever are you Sharon.. Not only a very talented sewer but now you are a movie maker too...Loved it. Had to watch it several times.. You have produced sew many gorgeous projects this year....

  11. WOW Sharon. When you see everything together, you really can see how much you have made this year. Mine would only last 5 seconds if I was lucky! LOL!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx