
Friday, 20 December 2013

Santa Sack Reveal

My lovely partner this year was Pam.
We have been busy making each other gifts to fill our sacks.
I caved and opened mine last night.
Totally Spoiled, just look.

Perfect gifts just for me. Lets take a closer look.

My new Bag :o)
Think this one will come on holiday with me in January with a couple of stitching projects in it.
A Rosalie Quinlan design.

My new Christmas mug, Mug bag (Red Brolly Design) and a Mug Rug.
Might have to keep Shez away from the Mug Rug  or maybe she wants it for
her every growing collection :o)

Ahh ..... be still my beating heart

We all know I love Bonnie and Camille ranges so this is all a sensory overload for me.
Thank you Pam.

Above is a design be Natalie Lymer - Cinderberry Stitches and below
is Michelle Ridgeway.  Great Aussie designers are being featured in my gifts.

oh Yum Yum ..... I have hidden these in the freezer for later.

My new Wall hanging which is already up in my Entrance Hall.

Huge thank you Pam for all my lovely goodies and another huge thank you to Cheryll
for hosting this fun swap.  Pam is saving my gifts to her for Christmas day so I will share them with you later.

hugs Sharon


  1. Lovely gifts from Pam, such beautiful stitcheries! Merry Christmas!

  2. They're all gorgeous Sharon!! You must be feeling really spoiled right now!! Have a wonderful Christmas sweet!!! 💖

  3. Fabulous gifts - you lucky duck.

  4. gorgeous gifts from Pam,she knows you well,enjoy my friend and you had better hide that mug rug from me,lol,i noticed it has an S on it,so maybe it is mine and was put in your parcel by mistake,lol,lovely package Pam.xx

  5. Beautiful gifts Beautiful stitching

  6. I love beautifully stitched gifts. ours are gorgeous, Pam did a great job. I was lucky enought to receive some stitched goodies too from Noela.

  7. Oh WoW what beautiful gifts you received! I'm pleased you caved in and opened we all got to enjoy them with you too!
    Merry Christmas Sharon... to you and to your family as well! :)

  8. Beautiful gifts Sharon, such lovely stitchery....hide that mug rug from Shez.....she might want it for her collection!!! Lol!!
    Happy Christmas to you and your family!

  9. Great pressies Sharon. Sharyn:)

  10. Such lovely gifts, Sharon - Pam is a great Santa! Merry Christmas.

  11. Oooo some very yummy gifts there even in the true sense of the word. That reindeer is sooo cute. I love reindeers.

  12. What fantastic gifts; you have been truly spoilt. Enjoy them all XX

  13. Such lovely gifts Sharon. Merry Christmas!
    Jille x

  14. Beautiful gifts Sharon. Pam knows you well.

  15. oh how fun.... all lovely well thought out gifts...

  16. Oh my you were spoiled! Such lovely stitching on all your gifts. You must be thrilled!

  17. What great gifts! You were spoiled by your partner! Just lovely.

  18. Beautiful gifts and very much you.

  19. Hasn't Pam done an amazing job. Everything is just fabulous.

  20. Lots of lovely gifts you have received

  21. Gosh, lucky you, lots of gorgeousness!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx