
Friday 25 October 2013

That Something New

This is not something totally new to me.
The last time I did it was over 8 years ago.
For a little bit now pictures have kept popping up in my Instagram Feed 
then a little research and a few visits and before I knew it  purchases were made
 which were then followed by a drive (Glenn drove, not me. Got to love this guy) 
to source supplies :o)

Worked out what it is yet?
"Cross Stitch"  
If you have ever been interested I suggest you go and check out
and be prepared for seriously cute and addictive patterns!

The first one I'm doing is "The 12 Days of Christmas"

I have until the 29th November to get my lace border all stitched before the first of 3 PDF files are send and we start filling in the center squares.

You may now be asking what is the second lot of threads up there in that pic.
Well I couldn't help myself. 
I have been admiring "The Woodland Sampler" on Instagram.

It did start back in January but you can join in at any time and upon signup
 you get all the patterns to date so you can start stitching straight away.

 I am also tempted to go on over and sign up for this one.....

and here is the sneak peak,  oh sooooo cute :o)

So thank you IG friends and The Frosted Pumpkin for reigniting my love of Cross stitch.
If you are on IG, search the hashtag "thefrostedpumpkinstitchery". 
The is a super cute Halloween pattern also.

Now, not one person is to make comment on me starting something new! lol
Life is to short and this world is way too full of inspiration :o)

Also, let me be totally clear here. I am not sponsored in any way.  The views I express are mine and the sites I link to are purely because I LOVE them and want to share :o)  Now I'm off to take another look at "Gingerbread Lane".

hugs Sharon xx

P.S.  Huge personal thank you to everyone who has emailed me after my last post.
I have not had a chance to email everyone back so please accept this as my
 personal Thank you for your well wishes after my Op.  Hugs xx


  1. They look gorgeous Sharon. I have a couple of very large not-completed cross-stitches but these are so tempting. I hope you're recovering well.

  2. Your new projects look gorgeous, I love cross stitch too. Enjoy, hugs Wendy

  3. Woo Hoo - cross stitch - and they are seriously adorable designs Sharon... enjoy them all!

  4. Oh Sharon... you tempt me so!!! But I'll stay strong as I have lots to do on my list before I go and add more...yes I can stay strong! But thanks for the test! :)

  5. Go for it Sharon. I used to be a fan of cross stitch, but I can resist now.

  6. You are amazing Sharon! Maybe the cross stitching will slow you down!

  7. oh i know what you mean Shaz i have had the urge to finish a cross stitch that i started awhile back,and oh my you have some cute ones there now you must get that ginger bread house one,its adorable,your hubby is one of a kind there Shaz.xx

  8. Now seriously did you have to? I am itching to get back to my cross stitching and this is just adorable. I have oodles of patterns purchased from eBay all waiting to be started. But this is just soooooo cute!!! Oh dear.

  9. Mmmmm I'm certainly not going to cast the first stone as like you I'm also contemplating working on a couple of small Chrissy cross stitches that have sparked my interest in it again. Look forward to seeing your as they progress. I hope you're feeling much better today :) Barb.
    P.S: I have your wool now to commence the crochet lol.......secrets are hard to keep but I'll try my darndest!

  10. oh those look so lovely.... what a lot of fun you are going to have....

  11. Cross stitch is such fun. I love your thread bundles.

  12. You go for it Sharon..seems like a perfect thing to be doing as you are recovering!

  13. I shall never listen to another lecture from you again. E.V.E.R. Enough said but you won't believe what I grabbed from the old house 2 weeks ago. Way too funny.

  14. Cross stitch - I remember it well! It has been a long time! I look forward to seeing your progress. I hope you are recovering quickly.

  15. I am half scared and half excited to go look! I did cross stitch many yrs ago and loved it. And you are right the inspiration on IG is so tempting! Can't wait to see your progress! So cute!

  16. I'm getting back into cross stitch too, so I'm off to check out that link now.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx