
Wednesday 23 October 2013


I had surgery Monday and this has been my view since.
Feet up resting, catching up on some of my favourite shows,

Yesterday I felt like doing some stitching.
Isn't he just the cutest :o)

"H is for Hippo" 
he is all of 8" tall and another of Jodies new patterns.
These little projects are so addictive.

4 Episodes of  Downton Abbey and a Hippo.
Not a bad afternoon.

I also started working on this lot below on Friday but haven't got back to them since.

maybe when I'm back up and feeling more comfortable.

Being I've had a bit of time on my hands I have also had the chance to surf the internet.
There will be a new project starting very soon.  Something I've not done for 8 years.
I will keep you posted.

hugs Sharon


  1. Your little Hippo is so cute - hope you are on the mend soon!

  2. he is so cute and you get better soon my friend.xx

  3. Hope you are soon up and about again very soon. Meanwhile enjoy your favourite shows and stitching.... Little hippo us so very cute. Sending hugs and healing xx

  4. hippo looks fab.... reminds me of a felt toy i had as a child harry the hippo.... thanks for sharing, hope you are up and about and feeling 100% soon

  5. Hope you feel much much much better soon.... love love your little Hippo ... wonder what the new project is?????


  6. Hope you will be up and around soon. Cute little hippo!

  7. He's so adorable!! Love the quilt he's sitting on as well. Feel better really soon!

  8. Hope you feel better soon.
    Have a great rest. Lovely little Hippo. Take Care.

  9. wishing you a speedy recovery - take care. PS loooove the hippo ;-)

  10. Hope you get back on your feet soon. Love the hippo.

  11. Cute hippo. Hope you're back on your feet soon!

  12. Hippo is a lovely addition to your growing zoo.Get well soon,rest up and do as you're told.hugs from me over here in England.oxoxox.

  13. I wish you a speedy recovery Sharon... so you can show us the NEW project!
    Feel better quickly! :)

  14. Hope it all went well Sharon. You'll be able to get lots of hand work done while resting!

  15. I hope you recover quickly Sharon.

  16. He is a little cutie. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  17. Hope you're feeling better real soon, your hippo is very cute and I'm sure he's been lovely company while resting after your surgery :) Barb.

  18. Gee hope you are back to normal soon. How dare you get ill? You have four children and a million blog followers to keep entertained! Seriously, here's hoping you are 100% ASAP

  19. Goodness, I hope you are feeling better really soon. Hopefully your recovery time will be short and you will be feeling like yourself in no time at all. Hugs to you.

  20. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Sharon... look after yourself... all the Downton has got to be a good thing!

  21. Hope you will be feeling better soon Sharon. A very cute little hippo. Hugs......

  22. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are soon back on your feet

  23. Gorgeous hippo, hope you are feeling 100% fit and well really soon

  24. Hippo is rather endearing. I hope you make a speedy and inspiration filled recovery.

  25. Hope you are not feeling too uncomfortable after your op and you have enough episodes of Downton left to ensure your continued recovery ;o) Love your little hippo and I'm itching to see what you are making with that pile of yummy red fabric. As for 'something you haven't done in 8 years'..... that's got my mind working overtime... can't wait to find out what it is. Get well soon... hugs

  26. Hope your feeling better soon Sharon xxx Rest and relax...your hippo is gorgeous!

  27. hope you have a speedy recovery . Love how you are spending your down time. that is one cute hippo.
    can't wait to see your new project!

  28. Love the hippo. You do such beautiful stitching to hold them together. Hope you feel better soon.

  29. Love the hippo. Hope you are recovering well. My poor giraffe is still in pieces. Must get it finished.

  30. Love the hippo!! You look after yourself and take plenty of time to recover Sharon. New project????Mmmmm.....looking forward to that!


  31. Get well soon Sharon. Glad you feel up to a bit of stitching

  32. Hope you are all better soon! Hippo is so cute!

  33. Wishing you a speedy recovery and that you are up and about soon.
    the wee Hippo is gorgeous.

  34. Can't keep a stitching girl down for long Sharon, hope you are feeling fine soon.
    Your Hippo is gorgeous. R.

  35. Hope each day is better for you....cute hippo

  36. I hope you are improving and recovering well! Your hippo is sooo cute and your elephant in the previous post! xx

  37. Wishing you a speedy recovery Sharon.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx