
Friday 25 January 2019

Would YOU like to be a part of my quilt?

I have started a 1" Scrappy Liberty Hexagon Quilt with the addition of some vintage linens that I have rescued and repurposed as well as adding in some plain hexagons made using the excess fabrics from the cut linens that I will go back and add my own embroideries too.

This was my first nights progress whilst watching the tennis and there are three vintage linen pieces worked into this panel already.


As I am working the vintage linens into my quilt my mind wonders to the creators before me. Where they might have been and who they might have been sewing for.  The linens have all been 'rescued' from thrift shops, many with stains that I can not remove and are capsules from the past being given another life and that makes me happy. 

This is the first plain hexagon that I am going to embroider on, just a simple flower, stitched by me.
As time passes I may stitch things that represent something happening at that time. Like the upcoming 21st birthday of my oldest, a grandparents birthday, a wedding, new baby etc.

This gave me an idea. 

Would YOU like to be a part of my quilt?

My Blogging and Instagram friends have been a huge part of my creative journey.
We have shared the happy days and the down right painful days. We have shared a virtual coffee or wine and encouraged our ventures from near and afar.  Some of you 'live' in my phone and others l get to see face to face. Regardless of where or how we catch up you are all important to me and as such I was wondering, would you like to add your own hexagon to my quilt?

I am only using Liberty fabrics in this quilt so I would never ask you to send me your precious Liberty but what I would love is a 1" hexagon with a small embroidery on it or if you don't embroider  maybe you do have a small scrap of a vintage linen that you would like to have included to represent you, that would also be so precious to me. You do not need to worry about the hexagon paper, I can glue baste it when it arrives and work it straight into the quilt. You don't even need to trim it, just make sure it is a minimum of a 2.5" square with the design centered and I will do the rest.

If you did want to contribute more and maybe make a flower I would be honoured to include it in my quilt. I would just ask that it be scrappy like the one pictured below.

 In addition to the hexagon could you please also send a signature block to be included on the back of the quilt. Simply take a 5" square piece of white / off white fabric and taking into consideration the 1/4' seam allowance all around (so you have a 4.5" square to write in) please write your name, location, date and a message if any. Maybe its a piece of vintage linen from/or reminds you of your grandmother. I would love to know so the story can be told of how this special quilt came to be. I will border these blocks with some Liberty when they arrive.

 I have done some research and a popular pen to use in this instance is a Pigma MICRON Pen with an 05 tip.  If you have another favourite pen that you prefer to you please do so.  I have also seen tips saying that if you starch your fabric first it is easier to write on.

 If this is something that you would like to do then please email me at

and I will provide you with a postage address for you to send your hexagon and signature block too.

I am now hoping that I do get at least one email so that I can then come back and share the special additions to this quilt.

Happy stitching,

hugs Sharon x


  1. Oh Sharon! This quilt is going to be so beautiful and very special! I have just sent you an email. Larisa xox

  2. I have a cupboard full of vintage tablecloths etc all embroidered by the women before me and I would love that some part will get new life.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx