
Saturday, 20 December 2014

Saturday Sewing with Olaf

I'm currently sitting back with some yummy snacks and a glass of wine 
feeling very content as I've just finished a little gift for Miss Lily.

Meet Olaf

"Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs"

Earlier today he was just this

But believe me, he wouldn't have got this far without the help of a wonderful friend Fiona who blogs over HERE.  See, I started Olaf in the last week but ran into trouble. It just wasn't happening and I called defeat when Fiona came to my rescue and offered to help me with my block.  Then I got to pick up Olaf on Friday. Forever in debt to Fiona.  Huge thank you again Fiona xx

So earlier today, the fabric pull happened, a glass of wine was poured and ta-da.
One finished Olaf cushion surrounded in some Bonnie and Camille :o)

Now being dearly loved by one Miss 5.

Possibly my last finish for the year and almost the cutest :o)

Now, all together "let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore ...."

hugs Sharon


  1. Too cute, he will be well loved.

  2. So cute! My little granddaughter loves Olaf. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Totally adorable!!! I love your B&C around it

  4. Beautifully done, congratulations to you both! A pillow is a very good use for a paper pieced block like this. Good thing to remember! Happy Christmas!

  5. Oh MY I'm sure Lily loves Olaf!! He's gorgeous :) Barb.

  6. Olaf is gorgeous, Sharon. I love it!

  7. Wow Olaf is such a nice monster... or perhaps even handsome... some may think!
    Great job Fiona and Sharon... team effort!
    Merry Christmas...

  8. Love the pillow - Olaf is just adorable -!

  9. Anytime my dear, that's what friends are for! Now if only I could get that rotten song outta my head... No I don't want to build a smowman πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. Or a SNOWMAN (just call me the typo queen)

  11. I love your pillow! How big did you make the Olaf block? I found the pattern but it is really small! I love your border too. Great gift. K-

  12. Hey, the Bonnie and Camille worked so great with him. :)

  13. I love your Olaf! I am going to have to make sure my youngest three don't catch a glimpse of him, as I know they'll be suggesting that I make one for Christmas. Fat chance!!

  14. Olaf is so cute. Well done and Merry Christmas. Hope you have a happy and safe festive season

  15. This is fabulous!!!! I really adore the colour combination. No wonder Miss L loves it. I don't really believe YOU got in to trouble............I haven't tried foundation piecing yet as it terrifies me. I'm doing a quilt with 100+ blocks and have stopped at block 4 which is foundation piecing..........arrghhh. Maybe you could do a post of your tips?


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx