
Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Only Eye Candy here

The dreaded Winter Cold has hit me in the last couple of days
 and has left me feeling Blahhh ...... no sewing in sight.

On the upside though I have had some fabrics arrive to help cheer me up.

These are "25th and Pine" by Basic Grey Prints are for a little secret project.
Just need to clear this head and think properly before cutting them up.

I've also added this beauty to my collection.
Lots of wonderful blocks in this book.

Then this afternoon I started plotting again :o)

I have told myself that I am not to start this one until I 
finish at least one quilt ....... completely,  and finish off some swap sewing.

Off to bed now.  There is a certain game of Tennis I'd love to watch but what time do I set the alarm for?
Might try 2am and see how I go!  If all else fails and I hit snooze guess I will just see the highlights on tomorrows news :).

hugs Sharon 


  1. Hope you feel better lovely girl,just look at all that yummy fabric waiting for you.xx

  2. Lovely goodies in the post. Hope you're feeling better soon Sharon

  3. You poor thing hope you feel better soon. Even with a cold you will get more done than most of us manage well lol.

  4. Love the 25h and Pine, have bought a nice bundle myself...fabulous book and look forward to seeing your new creation.

  5. Get better soon. I think bed would be better than getting up to watch the tennis

  6. Sorry about your cold. I have made a flimsy of the row along quilt you just got the book for, but I am stuck because I am not sure about the borders. I also have a kit for the strawberry quilt, but I am thinking of using navy for the background instead of white. I don't want to work on it until I get some other things finished too. So much in common!

  7. Sorry to hear you are sick. Great goodies, hope they cheer you up. Get well soon

  8. doesn't look like even a cold can keep you down for long.... I hope you feel better soon and can play with your beautiful fabrics...

  9. Hope you feel like your old shelf ASAP!

  10. Love the new fabric and that book looks divine. Hope you're feeling better soon :) Barb.

  11. Not the dreaded cold! Hope you are through the worst and getting better.
    I have been looking very longingly at the same fabric from Basic Grey and need to come up with a good reason to buy it. Enjoy your lovely goodies.
    How is your son progressing in his recovery? Hope all is well.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx