
Sunday, 15 June 2014

The most AMAZING mail

I feel so blessed to be a part of the Blogging and Instagram community.
I have 'meet' so many wonderful people Worldwide who have enriched my life so.
One of these special people, Darlene send me the most amazing parcel this week.

Darlene knew I was looking for a Jelly Roll to complete my Tower, my Bonnie and Camille Tower.
How amazing generous of her to part with one from her stash.
Darlene, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am now the proud, and super excited owner of a "complete" Bonnie and Camille tower :o)
I have no plans of ever using these. They are the only fabrics that are out of bounds and to go no where near the rotary cutter.  All other Bonnie and Camille fabrics are destined to meet Mr. Rotary cutter at any time.
I have changed my thinking on stashing beautiful fabrics. They have been designed and manufactured to be USED  not to be 'locked up' behind a cupboard door or in the depths of a plastic container!


Long time no see
Hex on the Beach
My kit made an appearance during the week.
I've decided to number each hexie on every row in the hope this
will become a more portable project, especially with the distraction of 4 kids.

Keegan wants to go see the movie so currently we are both reading the book!

I have also had my Crochet out.
African Flowers

I've now finished 105 flowers but due to their size I need heaps more.

My Tessellate quilt is also making great progress. I will drop back and share some photos soon.

Have a great weekend, hugs Sharon


  1. Good for you Sharon... having a complete "tower"...and Darlene was very NiCe to send you the one to complete it! :)

  2. Totally agree with the jelly roll how it looks all piled up in all its gorgeousness! I soooo told you crochet was addictive but have to admit I haven't attempted this block yet but it is on my crochet to-do list for ron :) Barb.

  3. the tower looks good but I would be cutting into it...........take a great photo and get it blown up and stuck on your wall........then you can always enjoy looking at it..........they will only get dusty...............
    they have done lots of ranges now.............

  4. How exciting!! That is an amazing tower!
    Good luck with the hexies and the flowers. You definitely do not take on easy projects!!

  5. Such a wonderful collection of B&C jelly rolls - l totally understand you not wanting to cut into them! Love your crochet African flowers too.

  6. Happy to help you complete your collection, Sharon. It makes me happy knowing how happy you are.


  7. Lovely fabrics.
    OMG. That movie is sooo good BUT take some a box of tissues. It is a tears story

  8. The film is definitely a box of tissues one.

  9. The tower looks yummy.....seems someone has been busy love your ongoing projects


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx