
Friday, 6 June 2014


So if you remember, last weekend I started playing with a new pattern.

Drop Dead Gorgeous 

It has taken me all week to get around to finishing it but here it is. In all it's Bonnie and Camille glory.
Then yesterday I had a thought ....... It didn't hurt so it's ok :o)

Then last night this started to happen.

Three hours later ...........
The original block is 16" and my new block is 8"

again, in all it's Bonnie and Camille glory.
Not sure what to do with them now but what I do know is that there is a LOT of pieces in that 8"block
and I may have lost my sanity there for a while :o)

In other news, I finally made it into my LQS and actually remembered to pick up these.
Month 4 of the Cottage Garden Threads Club,

Oh yeah, we had a birthday in the house :o)
Miss Keegan turned 12.

I really have to stop blinking as these kids are growing way too fast.
The Birthday Cake brief was:-  Chocolate with cream and pink icing, no jam!

Birthday girl loved it and it tasted yum.

So it's a long weekend here in Australia. Mine has started already with the girls
 having the day off school so a PJ day it is :o)  
Hope you find the time to do something you love 
and please, if you are on the roads, stay safe.

hugs Sharon


  1. Happy Birthday, Keegan! You have a lovely family, Sharon. I love your Drop Dead Gorgeous block and the fabrics are so pretty. Have a great long weekend!

  2. Your blocks look great Sharon. I love the colour of this month's CGT. Happy birthday to Keegan. xx

  3. Clever you converting that block into a mini. Both look great.

  4. your blocks are exquisite Sharon. Great photo of the birthday girl

  5. Those blocks are amazing. They look stunning! Great effort on the smaller one.
    Enjoy the threads and stitchery design.
    Happy Birthday, to your birthday girl. The cake looks fun.
    Enjoy your long weekend.

  6. You are amazing. Your work just gets better and better. Huge happy birthday good wishes to sweet Keegan

  7. Wow the block and the mini is amazing.Cake looks lovely ,happy birthday to Keegan.xx

  8. gorgeous blocks (of course) and so pretty... I do love the little one..
    Have fun with that stichery and happy birthday to Keegan...

  9. happy Birthday Keegan, looks like a yummy cake!!! your blocks are gorgeous, especially that small one. make more of the big ones and turn them into a B&C quilt, would look lovely!

  10. Happy Birthday to your block and oh what a cake...


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx