
Sunday 30 March 2014

Scratching an itch!

Why is it that when your sewing machine is away all you want to do is sit and have
a marathon sewing session?

Well I tried to "scratch that Itch" on Saturday :o)
I dug out Miss Lily's machine.

Guess she is a little small for that spot!

I did get a little sewing done.  This little man is one of Jodie's new patterns "Wooden Hearts"
Sadly though this is as far as I got. The machine is all packed up.
Don't get me wrong, it is a great little, if not super loud machine for the little sewer in the family
but it just caused me more frustration than anything. Lack of a 1/4" foot wasn't helping any either.

So what else have I been up to this weekend?

Friday started with a little shopping trip.

Looks like my Ric Rac family is growing again .... just need that damm machine!

 When the after school run was done I got to sit, do a little hand sewing and caught up on Revenge.


Later that evening I even played with 1/4" hexagons.
As cute as they are I really don't think I will be going back to play with that size again in any hurry.

Saturday morning these brand new patterns found their way into my possession :o)

If your interested both Bonnie and Camille have some new release patterns.
 Then last night I got my "Toes in the Sand" all cut and ready to become a flimsy ...
yes, as soon as that machine is back!

What will Sunday sewing be?  
I'm not sure.  Off to buy Lily some fish for her tank and pick up a roast.
My plan is that the smell of the roast cooking will discract the family from the fact that
I am indulging in some me time :o)

Hope you find the time to squeeze some "me time" into your day.
hugs Sharon


  1. Very frustrating to be without your machine, but you will be ready to sew up a storm when it comes back. Think I might try the roast trick today too!

  2. Looks like that itch was pretty well scratched even though you didn't have your usual machine! Those Ric Rac creations are ver cute! I've made 1/4 inch hexies before too - once, cute but not something I would do often!! Have Sunday goes well :-)

  3. 1/4 inch hexies look fabulous but make my head hurt just the thought of them. You get so much done even without a machine - you are amazing.

  4. Wow - you've been busy. The small hexagons are really cute. I love the look of them but I suspect they'll be too fiddly for me at this point in my sewing journey. How are you finding Revenge? I'm starting to wonder just how many twists and turns there can be in this series... :)

  5. I feel your pain with the sewing machine gone....I was so desperate when
    my machine went into be fixed I dragged out my old antique hand sewing
    machine....didn't bother me, it still sewed!! lol
    Cheers, Anita.

  6. You have so many nice patterns on the go. The hedgehog looks like a cute one. I agree that the no 2 machine is only for emergencies like hemming. Sadly your sewing will have to wait.

  7. You are a remarkable woman. You achieve so much -well done

  8. Love the new are one busy girl

  9. Oh Sharon I feel for you,when my machine went away last year I thought I would go loopy.Poor Bri just HAD to buy me a new machine haha.
    Love the new patterns and the new family member is very sweet love hedgehogs.xx

  10. Hi SHaz I hope your machine comes back soon,I know I would miss mine ,lots of lovely projects on the go ,enjoy your evening my friend.xx

  11. Have an enjoyable roast...and before you know it your other baby will be back home and you can scratch that itch!

  12. Oh dear! Shame about the little Elna. You broke it! Poor Lily. As for the quarter inch hexies I was recently told to leave the papers in as it is far too difficult otherwise. This was from a quilt judge who is making Patchwork of the Crosses and teaches it as well as playing with little hexies. I have had a packet sitting in my template basket for a while but can't bring myself to attempt basting them. I was also told from a lady overseas to use silk thread , tweezers and a magnifying glass!!! I don't think I have that much patience LOL.

  13. I hope that machine is back soon!! But you will have a lot of projects prepped and ready when it does return. Good luck!

  14. Hope that machine is back soon. Lovely shopping, and you have achieved heaps without your machine


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