
Thursday, 2 January 2014

Tone it Down, the Super Scrappy version

I have been busy cutting all the low volume fabrics for my two new Scrap Quilts.
It's made a huge indent into the Low Volume Container.

Then last night I decided to prepare the first block of my
"Super Scrappy Tone it Down Quilt"

all 97 pieces.
Yes you read that right, 97 pieces per block and this quilt
has 20 blocks.  Looks like I have officially lost all my marbles now!

Turns out that it wasn't that bad once you sit and start the chain piecing.
So much so that in the one night I managed two blocks.

I am loving how they look. So much so that I dragged the design wall out :o)

I am thinking that today I should turn my attentions to my Japanese + & X blocks, no where near as many pieces.

Hope you find the time to do something you love,
hugs Sharon


  1. Oh my! You are a clever and patient gal. Looking lovely.

  2. wow! you have more patience than I have to do not one, but two blocks in one day! you go girl!

  3. Looking very, very nice. Great use of your scraps.

  4. Your blocks are fabulous! I am so tempted to start this quilt, but I have so many UFOs I hate to start something else.

  5. Loving the look Sharon. Lots of pieces. Sharyn:)

  6. Fantastic Sharon. Your blocks are beautiful. I'm hoping to do some more of mine on Saturday. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of your blocks finished.

  7. gorgeous Shaz that will keep you out of mischief,xx

  8. I love the look of those blocks. The quilt will be amazing.

  9. fabulours blocks.... it will be a fantastic quilt...

  10. I am so inspired by your passion Sharon....great work for one night.

  11. Sharon those two blocks look fabulous this quilt will be amazing - can't wait to see more.

  12. You have far more patience than I would! I'm sure the finished result will look fantastic :)

  13. WOW Sharon. Gorgeous blocks. Hugs......

  14. Looking good!

    This quilt is going to be the 'quilt to do' for 2014 as Scrappy Trips around the world was in 2013.

    I think I am going to have to jump on this bandwaggon as well!

  15. This is an amazing block. I admire your stamina.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx