
Friday, 31 January 2014

National Mug Rug Day

Wow who would have thought that these things would have their own day!

My dislike for them is much like Shez's  (Hi Shez )

I do however have one on display in my own home. 
I've told it that it needs to pretend it is something much more "me" 
so it's now known by its new name
"Mini Quilt"! :o)

See it, it is just above the red and purple scrap containers.
It was made for me by Anorina. Looks just perfect up there :o)

Now you may be wondering the purpose of this post today. 
Well it is a little "disclosure" if you to like by many bloggers this morning to our dear
friend Shez.  Sorry Shez. A plan was hatched. Many of your blogging friends
have been mailing you Mug Rugs and as you do your blog surfing today you might just see
who sent you what :o)

I do come clean though.  I did make you two but just could not bring myself to
mail them!  My dislike for these farbic creations, as artful as they can be, are just not me.

So all in good fun.
Looking forward to seeing what you do with your collection of mug rugs Shez.
And NO you are not sending them to me! lol
I hope that you have not been converted my dear friend as you have been
sighted recently making some of your own...... oh what it the world coming too.......

OK, I'm off to see who is owning up to sending Shez her Mugrugs.
hugs Sharon


  1. I wonder who came up with the idea? big hugs

  2. That is soooooo funny!!!! I do like your "mini" though.

  3. Your mini is lovely, but if I were you I would be careful in admitting what dislikes you never know what may happen.

  4. Hello Sharon,

    Oh no not a lover of mug rugs, watch your letterbox!!!

    Happy National Mug Rug Day.

  5. Vee haf our vays of making you like ze mugz rugz......

  6. Hi Sharon,
    Loved your post, your minis look great on your wall.
    Enjoy your day.
    Cheers R.

  7. I am sure Shez has enjoyed the fun of the day.

  8. Hi Sharon, I won't wish you happy National Mug Rug Day lol, love all the minis

  9. Lol,just reading what Fiona wrote and boy you are game admitting you don't like mug rugs,lol,look what happened to me,lol,though you would know nothing about that hey,lol,a lot of fun was had,so glad you felt sorry for me and kept your

  10. Your mug rug stands proud with the minis!! The wall looks great Sharon!

  11. It could be a large coaster rather than a mini quilt :) It's gorgeous whatever you call it.

  12. Ha ha ... I think that I'm the opposite, I love mug rugs because they have a purpose, but dislike mini quilts ... Maybe because I don't have a lovely wall to display them on!!!

  13. What a great idea to turn a "mug rug" into a mini quilt. Love your wall of minis!

  14. Oh Sharon I love them,but over here we call them table mats.I have them for the dining table when the kids come.
    Love your "mini's" wall.xx

  15. I thought it your idea to send mug rugs to Shez! Perhaps I got that wrong! LOL! You made a couple and didn't post them. I know. You're trying to stay in Shez' good book! It was certainly lots of fun though. Hugs, Christine xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx