
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Lancaster Quilt

It has been a long time since I worked on this one.

"Lancaster Quilt"

I cleaned out my sewing space a couple of days ago and found myself drawn back to it 
so I left the box on my cutting table. Then late yesterday, when like many others I am sure, I found myself laying under the Air Conditioner doing nothing. Well I don't do the "doing nothing " to well. It makes my grumpy!
So I went and grabbed the box.  
Playing with small bits of fabric aren't going to make me any hotter are they :o)

I have a weather App on my Ipad so snapped this pic with it and posted to Instagram.
Hot ...... damm hot!

By 11pm, I was on the floor (still under the Air conditioner vent) laying out my clam shells.
Tennis is good for keeping me company this time of year as everyone else was in bed.

They are still all over the floor this morning so with the Tennis on again and another hot day predicted, you know when you will find me :o)

Also ........  I have been getting things ready for Miss Lily to start school.
So yesterday morning I turned her boring black reader bag and Art smock from this  ..... to this.

No mistaking who they belong to now.

Oh and my new toy.

Never thought an Iron could make me so happy but this one does.

Hope you find time today to do something that makes you happy.
hugs Sharon.


  1. Such pretty fabrics for this quilt. Always been intrigued as to how you attach those clam shells. It's far too hot. Going to be at the beach in one hr. Just enjoying coffee whilst kids eat break key. I must get my Lily ready for school too but will wait for next week when it is hopefully cooler.

  2. Sorry but forgot to ask if that iron is the one Camille has in her craftsy class? Looks amazing. Is it the one you can just push down on?

  3. the tote looks so cute now...I know she is over the moon about having a great tote to take with her...I so want one of these irons...

  4. It was hot up here too, but not that bad! Love your clam shells. Hope we get to see what you have made with them soon. ;-)

  5. Lovely to se this quilt again. Bag and smock looks great, I am sure see loves it. I will have to check the iron out, what a recomendation

  6. Hi Shaz,can you tell me why this iron is this iron is making you so happy? xx

  7. Aren't these irons amazing, your clam shells look so pretty. Keep cool today and enjoy your sewing.

  8. It is lovely to rediscover a project. With the forecast we have you should make a lot of progress this week.
    The library bag and art smock look lovely.
    Does the new iron make it FUN to iron? :)

  9. Love the clam shells but haven't yet done any myself. I don't have air con so I was a bit cranky not being able to stitch but I did manzge to sort through some scaps, wash and dry fabrics and put free internet patterns in sleeves. Enjoy you air con.

  10. Grandma/Nannas come in handy!!!! I've just finished a library bag & putting finishing touches to Miss Bethanys art smock for start of school.

  11. I'm forever grateful we have an airconditioner, even if it is from the 1970's. It works like a charm but fingers crossed it stays that way as we're not finished with the heat here in Adelaide yet. 45 today and 46 tomorrow. Looking forward to Friday when it will be cooler, only 40! I have seen those irons but have heard they have a reliability issue. I will be interested to hear how it goes over time as I have yet to find an iron I like (that may be because I hate the ironing and therefore the iron!). Keep cool!

  12. Great iron - love yellow. So looking forward to seeing your clamshell borders together. Miss Lily will have the best looking school supplies.

  13. I have this iron too!!! It is the best iron I have ever bought - so easy to use - loving the clam shells :)

  14. Love the clam shells and how happy will your gorgeous girl be at school with her beautiful goodies from her mum.

  15. Clam shells are very pretty,love the fabrics used.
    When miss Lily gets to school all the other mums are going to want their kids things being labelled ,be prepared, haha.
    Try to keep cool lovely girl.x
    Ps freezing here and very wet.

  16. Perfect thing to do on such a hot day Sharon


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