
Monday, 2 December 2013

Sharing and catching up

I sat down last night and started working on my
"12 Days of Christmas" 
Cross Stitch from The Frosted Pumpkin

I plan on working on the 2nd square today.

Celebration Swap

Claire and I agreed to swap a flower Pin Cushion instead of the quilt block that was suggested.
Above is the cute flower Claire made for me. As you can see she totally spoiled me with some extras.
Huge thank you Claire.

Here is the Pin cushion I made for Claire and some Fabric for her to play with as well.

Our last item for this swap is Christmas. 
I cant wait to see what's inside the parcel under my tree.

 Lily's 2nd Ballet Concert

(A little colouring as we wait for our turn)

I love this kid so much.  It was such a pleasure to be able to share her 2nd Ballet Concert with her as a Backstage Helper for her class.  Not for one minute did I think I would get so much from such a special night. Don't get me wrong. It is lovely to sit out in the Theater and watch the performance but to be there back stage, share in the excitement before they go on stage and the pure joy that they all have as they come off stage.  That tight cuddle and the huge smiles. Priceless.

No more Ballet now until next year.

Better go, I have a mechanic to ring.
Silly car burst a brake hose today. So lucky that I didn't get to "meet" the occupants in the car in front of me.
But of course it's not just a 1 hour fix is it.  Fingers crossed the vehicle is back today.

hugs Sharon


  1. love your cross stitch Shaz and i see you have already finished the 2nd day,well done you are flying through this.
    love the gifts that you and Claire swapped.
    Oh how gorgeous does Miss Lily look,she is the cutest leaopard that i have ever seen and sounds like you had more fun than she did,lol,precious memories.
    Hope you have your car back now.xx

  2. Hope the car is ok. Lily really is adorable. I too was backstage. So funny although with only five of us trying to get 22 kids ready, changed and hair redone with only one item in between was frantic. Your cross stitch is very cute. I'm really going to get more cross stitch done next year.

  3. Your cross stitch is beautiful Sharon, Miss Lily is just adorable love the costume, hope the car is fixed quickly for you!

  4. Love the crosstitch. I used to do it for over 30 years and now have 3 half finished sitting in my sewing room since I took up patchwork and quilting about 8 years ago! LOve the pin cushions. I love collecting them. Love that birdie one!

  5. lovely post Sharon, pretty goodies, special lily...


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx