
Sunday, 8 December 2013

Playing again

Bali Wedding Star

So this is where I left these pieces Friday night.

Then Saturday when I was going through my Instagram feed I saw that there was a 
Friday night virtual sew along.  So I joined in with my Northern Hemisphere IG friends for two hours and .....

finished off the Green A Units and
moved on to the Pink A Units

and finished them too.

Please tell me that I am not the only person who leaves their scraps on the 
cutting table because they look so pretty. :o)

You may remember that with my Glacier Star Quilt I kept a tally of the pieces, just for fun.
Well I have decided to do it again :o)  so far I am up to 640 pieces.

I so want to get stuck into the next colour but the family needs uniform for school and work tomorrow......damm it! lol

Hugs Sharon


  1. wow this is going to look so cool,love the colours,sorry Shaz i dont leave my scraps anywhere but the bin,lol.have a lovely sunday my friend.xx

  2. you are amazing Sharon!! the pieces look spectacular. I can't wait to see this quilt all done.
    if you were closer I'd do the uniforms for you just so that I could see more progress

  3. Oh dear....Sharon...don't worry, we are a funny creature us crafty
    people. Of course those scraps look so good. lol.
    Cheers, Anita.

  4. Looking good. I have saved all my scraps from the Insanity quilt I am still EPPing and they shall be put in a nice vase or jar on display. They look so pretty. So, unless there are 2 of us a bit mad, then I think you are quite normal.

  5. Holy Cow, Sharon - you are making amazing progress on your Bali Star... it's crazy but kinda clever to keep count of how many pieces are in the project!!
    I hope the refreshments at FNWF were not distracting to your sewing concentration, LOL - what a group you would be together!!

  6. WOW!! I love what you are doing with those gorgeous batiks. You have a fantastic eye for fabric and colour.... personally I'd like to do a class with YOU!! :o))


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx