
Friday, 13 December 2013

Flowers, Chocolate and Eye Candy

Be warned as I fear these are addictive.

How do I know this?
Well for one they are popping up all over the place and also that
I have only made one and I see a visit to Spotlight in my future for more
glue sticks and paper :o)

I am also kicking myself that I only had one piece of this paper :(

If you are interested, the tutorial can be found over HERE

Also happening here this week ..........

Most of the kids at Lily's kinder have been handing out Christmas Cards.
I'm not such a glutton for punishment and didn't want the stress of trying to get Lily to
write 24 cards so we made "Reindeer Noses" and thanks to Daddy, Lily only had to
write "Love Lily" once and Daddy made it appear on ever header. Thank you Daddy.

I must say that these were a huge hit, with most of the Parents and kids not seeing them before.
Thank you Crafting community :) 

Guess we should make some more for out Street Christmas Party this weekend.
Though I might also make some "Grinch Pills" for those not so much into the Christmas Season or lacking some Christmas Spirit.  If that doesn't make them smile then nothing will :o)

I also got an early Christmas Present.

No way were they going under the tree!

This next picture just confirms my Bonnie and Camille addiction ...... 
Moda have had a few little competitions over on  Instagram this week. 
 One was to show them your stash of Pre-cuts.  This was my pic :o)

I hope you are in your Happy Spot and enjoying something you love.

Hugs Sharon


  1. That flower is so cute....great idea with the reindeer noses.....and you do have one amazing addiction....

  2. oh i must try these flowers Shaz ,thankyou for the link,and what a wonderful daddy,he came to the rescue,love your xmas present you must've been a good girl this year,lol.xx

  3. flowers look fab and addictive doing reindeer noses too actually we are also considering boomer poo as well hahaha I seen a link last night

  4. Drool drool, I loooove all your pre cuts. What a collection!!! Too hard to cut up aren't they? Great idea with the reindeer noses. Never seen them before.

  5. Those reindeer noses are the cutest! I might just have to do them as presents for the kids that I coach!

  6. Lovely Sharon. Bet the Reindeer noses were a real hit! Beautiful flower and fabrics.

  7. Your sewing room should be called "fairyland" as it's just so magical with all that fabric precuts! :)

  8.'ve got more pre cuts than my LQS!

  9. Your flower is gorgeous in the scrapbooking paper......and no guilt feelings for cutting up a book! I have a bowl of the flowers, they are just so pretty and addictive. Your pre cut stash is amazing.

  10. How gorgeous is that flower - they look addictive Sharon. And cute idea with the reindeer noses. your stash of Bonnie and Camille is amazing

  11. Such a pretty flower. I love the idea of Lily giving out reindeer noses! Lovely early present.

  12. love your version of the flower. I do want to try those....
    how cute are the noses....
    love your new fabrics..

  13. Love the Reindeer Noses - what a great idea!! And those flowers are gorgeous... may have to have a go at those :)

  14. Oh I adore your stash and didn't realise you could get so many precuts of April showers yet. Cute flowers too


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as I know your time is valuable. hugs xx